[grml] RAS Movie & CiscoVPN Problem

Florian Keller contact at florian-keller.ch
Sun May 7 20:13:22 CEST 2006


First of all you can watch the customized grml CD with ASCII Bootloader 


To play this you will need mplayer with VMware Codec, or if you running 
you can download from VMware the right codec.

Now to my Problem. I've compiled the Cisco VPN Client (4.7.00 (0640)) to 
my grml
CD. I've network connectivity no firewall running or iptables activ but 
I cannot establish
a VPN Session. Im using nothing special standard RJ45 Network with activ 
DHCP Server
@ Router. All works well Internet works..., but I'm getting the follow 
message if I try to establish
a VPN Connection:

Initializing the VPN connection.
Contacting the gateway at 194.x.x.x
Secure VPN Connection terminated locally by the Client
Reason: Failed to establish a VPN connection

I don't understand why Im getting this message. Once after lot of try & 
error I could establish the VPN Session but didn't know why :). I 
thought, it could be a problem with the ifplugd but if I uninstall this 
daemon it also don't work :(.

On google I found lot of guys that have same problem but that was on 
wireless connection, Im not using this kind of connection.

Hope someone got a good idea or a way to find out what the problem could be.

Strange is also if I look at netstat -ta I see the connection that should be established is not
the Server its the grml localhost :(

// From syslog:

May  7 19:54:15 RASCDv121-1348526093 net.agent[5689]: Cannot raise 
interface cipsec0: interface lo did not appear!

Also strange ist this message:

tcp        1      0 grml:29746              grml:41439              CLOSE_WAIT
tcp       17      0 grml:29746              grml:48560              CLOSE_WAIT



Florian Keller

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