[Grml] Ubuntu = poor boot-time example

Michael Prokop mika at grml.org
Tue Nov 29 09:11:28 CET 2005

* Mark <or2uvma02 at sneakemail.com> [20051129 04:15]:

> Something scared me on GRML's to-do list.

>    http://wiki.grml.org/doku.php?id=todo

>    Todo for grml 0.6
>    Ubuntu's FasterBoot

> The reason I am "scared" is that GRML is light years beyond Ubuntu in
> live booting (w/hardware detection).  Ubuntu should be learning from
> GRML, not vice-versa.

Hehe. :)

> Ubuntu took 7 times longer to boot my workstation than Knoppix (let
> alone GRML).  Others report similar results,
> http://www.osnews.com/permalink.php?news_id=11998&comment_id=36650

> Ubuntu developers admit their live boot stuff is a huge mess,
> unmaintainable, and will be scrapped.  That's what their "FasterBoot"
> initiative is partly about.  But GRML is already there!

> I like very much GRML's pure-Debianized-Knoppix approach, which is so
> much faster and better than Ubuntu's modified-Morphix-Gnoppix junk. 
> GRML gives all benefits of Knoppix without drawbacks in terms of Debian
> standards.

Don't be afraid. :) It's just a bookmark collection to know what the
enemy does. ;-) If there exists another trick to slightly speed up
booting we did not know of yet, we just want to make sure we find it.
That's all. :)

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