[Grml] grml 0.2 released
Michael Prokop
mika at grml.org
Mon Jan 10 15:33:26 CET 2005
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:::::: version 0.2 :::::
:: codename satura :::::
GRML - Knoppix for sysadmins and users of text tools
grml is a bootable CD (Live-CD) based on Knoppix and Debian. grml includes a
collection of GNU/Linux software especially for users of texttools and system
administrators. grml provides automatic hardware detection. You can use grml for
example as a rescue system, for analyzing systems/networks or as a working
environment. It is not necessary to install anything to a harddisk, you don't
even need a harddisk to run it. Due to on-the-fly decompression grml includes
about 2 GiB of software and documentation on the CD.
Release 0.2 - Codename Satura (20050110)
Fixed several bugs, including:
#10: Please remove CD, close cdrom drive...is missing on reboot/halt
#11: grml-0.1: starting xserver fails with '(EE) No core pointer device specified'
#12: grml-0.1: WLAN Problem: Linksys WPC11 doesn't work
New grml-scripts:
* grml-mutt: shellscript for configuring mailclient mutt via dialog
* grml-slrn: shellscript for configuring newsreader slrn via dialog
* grml-postfix: shellscript for configuring postfix using TLS
* grml-nessus: shellscript for preparing grml-system for use with nessus[d]
New kernel:
* 2.6.9-grml: vanilla kernel (from kernel.org) including several patches
more information available on http://grml.org/kernel/
New hardware detection:
* Additional use of hotplug and discover mechanism to detect hardware.
New bootparameters/cheatcodes:
* ssh: use via ssh=password (adjust password), this will set the
password for user grml and autostart a ssh-server.
Notice that the provided password can be read from
/proc/cmdline -> change the password as soon as possible!
* passwd: use via passwd=password, this will set the password for
user grml so login via getty
* some other bootparameters related to hardware detection, see
file grml-cheatcodes for details (grml-cheatcodes.txt on CD-ROM,
online at grml.org/files/)
Special new features:
* CPU-detection on startup and start of cpudyn/powernowd depending
on type of CPU
* htop running on tty11
* improved zsh configuration (prompt, completition,...)
* zsh-lovers (see 'man zsh-lovers') updated and available in
PDF-, PS- and HTML-format
* grml2hd: install grml to harddisc
Notice: First release, alpha-status - please use with caution!
* Updated all packages to Debian Unstable branch by 20050109.
* Updated bootparameter 'memtest' to Memtest86+ V1.40.
* Added new/updated tools to windows-directory (/GRML/windows):
pageant, plink, pscp, psftp, putty, puttygen and winscp371.
Removed 149 packages.
Added 455 new packages:
abcde acpid aesutil aewan aircrack alsa-base alsa-utils alsaplayer-alsa
apachetoolbox apcupsd apt-dpkg-ref ara argus-client arpd arping arptables
asr-manpages at76c503a-modules-2.6.9-grml athcool aumix autossh awesfx axp
backup2l bash3 bass bchunk bcm4400-module-2.6.9-grml bcm5700-module-2.6.9-grml
bcrypt biabam biew bitlbee bittornado blktool bluez-firmware bluez-hcidump
busybox-cvs-static calife camserv captive captive-lufs cbrowser ccrypt
cd-discid cdtool cdw cdw-common cfv clamav-daemon clamav-getfiles
clamav-testfiles cloop-src clvm cowsay cscope cvs-buildpackage cvsd dar
dbengine dcfldd debmake debmirror devtodo dir2ogg directvnc dired discover
discover-data distmp3 dmidecode dnsmasq docbook docbook-dsssl dpkg-sig
dpkg-www driftnet dropbear dtach dvdbackup dvdrtools dviutils dwww ebtables
eciadsl elmo elvis-common ex exuberant-ctags faad feh fenris festival
festlex-cmu festlex-poslex festvox-kallpc16k filepp firehol
flashplugin-nonfree fnord fprobe freenx freeradius freeradius-ldap ftp-upload
funny-manpages fuse-utils geresh getmail gfs-tools giblib1 giftcurs gmailfs
gnome-mime-data gnuhtml2latex gnutls-bin gpm gpsdrive grml-ddcxinfo grml-kudzu
grml-kudzu-dev grml-rebuildfstab grml-scanpartitions grml-sectools
grml-sndconfig grml-sysvinit grml-usleep grml2hd ha-prosper hfsutils hibernate
hostap-modules-2.6.9-grml hping3 httpf httping hwdata hydra id3v2
ifupdown-scripts-zg2 ike-scan imapfilter imediff2 indent info2www iozone3
iperf iptstate ipvsadm ipw2100-modules-2.6.9-grml ipw2200-modules-2.6.9-grml
isync jail jigit joystick juke keepalived kernel-headers-2.6.9-grml
kernel-image-2.6.9-grml kernel-source-2.6.9-grml knockd knocker
kwtools-net-postfix kwtools-sys-raid labrea laptop-mode-tools latextug
lbxproxy ldap-utils liba52-0.7.4 libapache-mod-chroot libarch-perl
libarchive-tar-perl libavcodeccvs libbonobo2-0 libbonobo2-common libcap2
libcapi20-2 libcarp-clan-perl libcflexplugin libcompfaceg1
libcompress-zlib-perl libconvert-asn1-perl libcrypt-smbhash-perl
libcrypt-ssleay-perl libdaemon0 libdar2 libdb3-util libdbd-pg-perl
libdigest-md4-perl libdiscover2 libdlm0 libdns16 libdv2 libestools1.2c102
libevms-2.5 libfaac0 libg2c0 libgcrypt11-dev libglade0 libgnomevfs2-0
libgnomevfs2-common libgnutls11-dev libgpgme11 libgpmg1 libgtk-perl libhowl0
libhtml-lint-perl libidn11-dev libio-socket-ssl-perl libio-string-perl
libio-zlib-perl libiodbc2 liblockfile-simple-perl
libmail-mbox-messageparser-perl libmailtools-perl libmcrypt4 libmhash2
libmp4-0 libnet-ldap-perl libopenct0 libopensc1 libosp4 libostyle1
libpam-chroot libpam-devperm libpam-dotfile libpam-krb5 libpam-ldap
libpam-musclecard libpam-mysql libpam-opensc libpam-pgsql libpam-pwgen
libpam-radius-auth libpam-smbpass libpam-ssh libpam-tmpdir libpcsclite1
libpg-perl libpq3 libqt3-mt-dev libreadline5 libreadline5-dev libruby
librudiments0c102 libsasl-modules-plain libsasl2-dev libsasl2-modules libsasl7
libscam1 libselinux1 libsensors3 libsepol1 libsnmp4.2 libsqlite3-0 libsvncpp0
libswig1.3.22 libwraster3 libxft-dev libxml1 libxosd2 libxslt1.1 libzvbi0
lintian linux-kernel-headers-grml listadmin lsh lufs m-tx macchanger mailcheck
manpages-posix manpages-posix-dev maradns markdown mbmon mboxcheck md5deep
mixmaster mod-chroot-common monit moosic mp3gain mp3splt mp3wrap mplayer-nogui
mtop mtr-tiny multitail multitee musixtex muttprofile myspell-en-us naim
ncftp2 ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.9-grml ndiswrapper-utils netdiag netperf
netstat-nat newsflash normalize nsd nstx ntop nullidentd numlockx nxlibs
ocaml-base offlineimap oinkmaster openjade osdsh p3nfs p3scan paketto par
patcher pax paxctl pbuilder pdmenu pdns-backend-ldap pdns-backend-mysql
pdns-backend-pgsql pdns-backend-pipe pdns-backend-sqlite pekwm pgmonitor
pgpool php4-pgsql php4-sqlite pia playmp3list plptools pmount pmx
policycoreutils pop3browser pork postfix-ldap postfix-mysql postfix-pcre
postfix-pgsql postgresql postgresql-client postgresql-contrib pperl pptpd
printconf proxychains proxymngr pspax pstack python-bsddb3 python-foomatic
python-fuse python-glade-1.2 python-gtk-1.2 python-libgmail python2.3-bsddb3
python2.3-fuse qc-usb-modules-2.6.9-grml quagga queue quota raccess
rainbowcrack randomize-lines realpath realtime-lsm
realtime-lsm-module-2.6.9-grml redir renameutils rinetd rman rng-tools
ruby1.8-examples sasl-bin scantv sdd secvpn sgmltools-lite
shfs-module-2.6.9-grml shorewall simh sl-modem-daemon
sl-modem-modules-2.6.9-grml slapd sloccount slpim slrnface smbc smbldap-tools
snarf snort snort-common snort-rules-default snowdrop socat sqlite3 sqlrelay
sqlrelay-mysql sqlrelay-postgresql sqlrelay-sqlite squashfs-tools star
stegdetect steghide swish++ tagtool tcc tcl8.3 tcpreen tcputils tex-refs
texify texpower tn5250 tpconfig translate tspc tth tunnelv vfu vim-latexsuite
vim-vimoutliner vnstat vrfy w3m-el waproamd webcam webcamd weblint-perl
wellenreiter weplab wmctrl wmi2 workbone wpasupplicant wput xautolock xawtv
xawtv-plugins xfaces xfonts-bolkhov-cp1251-75dpi xfonts-intl-european
xfree86-driver-synaptics xfwp xmlstarlet xmove xosd-bin yacpi yasr zsync
Changes since release 0.1 (20041022)
team members
Matthias Kopfermann and Wolfgang Scheicher joined the grml-team.
See http://grml.org/team/ for details.
The grml-repository (exclusive debian packages provided by the
grml-system), wallpapers, selected grml-scripts and information
on packages are available online: http://grml.org/files/
book list
A selection of books which might be interesting for users of grml is
available on the grml-website: http://grml.org/books/
The grml-team provides support, ranging from giving workshops, realizing
security/network audits to system consulting and integration.
For more information refer to: http://grml.org/support/
Release 0.2 provides 455 new packages of software.
149 packages have been removed.
Release 0.2 provides a kernel based on vanilla kernel 2.6.9 including
several patches. Kernel 2.4.27 has been removed because of cost-
benefit calculations. Take a look at the kernel-webpage for details:
Please report feedback, wishes and bugreports to the grml-team!
http://grml.org/contact/ #grml on irc.freenode.org contact (at) grml.org
,'"`. http://www.michael-prokop.at/
( grml.org -» Linux for texttool-users and sysadmins
`._, http://www.grml.org/
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