[Grml] having trouble getting GRML small working on a note book

Michael Prokop mika at grml.org
Fri Dec 30 10:25:38 CET 2005

* Scott Berry <electronicman1961 at myfreedombox.com> [20051229 20:15]:

>  I am trying to get grml small to work on a note book using the grml blind 
>  command.  However, as soon as the cd boots up I get an error beep from the 
>  note book.  The notebook is a Toshiba don't remember the model right off hand. 
>   If you need more questions answered let me know.

brltty (used when running 'grml blind') isn't available in grml-small.
Please take grml(-large) if you need accessibility features.

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