[Grml] Virus scanner

Michael Prokop mika at grml.org
Sat Dec 17 13:01:06 CET 2005

* Mark <or2uvma02 at sneakemail.com> [20051217 08:15]:

> Thanks for all that.  Mika suggested freshclam.  "Freshclam" fails from
> GRML CD 0.5-3.

> I tried it on a PC with Internet.  The updates are downloaded OK.  But
> then this happens:

>      ERROR: Clamd was NOT notified: Can't connect to clamd through
>      /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl

Well, you did not start clamav-daemon.

> GRML's ClamAV can't update from the internet.  One therefore MUST use
> portable storage to get updates.

No. There's no need to run clamav-daemon. freshclam and clamscan
work anyway.

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