[Graetzwerk] [Fwd: Good Food Good Farming Campaign]

Brigitte Kratzwald brigitte.kratzwald at commons.at
Fr Feb 1 09:28:56 CET 2013


ich weiß, viele von euch bekommen das jetzt doppelt oder dreifach,
selber schuld, wenn ihr so gut vernetzt seid ;)

kampagne für eine andere agrarpolitik der EU - es geht drum, abgeordnete
vor der abstimmung im märz direkt anzusprechen (siehe auch mail unten):
wär vielleicht interessant, sowas in graz zu machen? müsste halt relativ
schnell gehen.

und hier noch ein paar interessante ideen ;):

lg und schönes wochenende

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Von: Sandra Karner <sandra.karner at aau.at>
An: Sandra <karner at ifz.tugraz.at>
Betreff: Good Food Good Farming Campaign
Datum: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 10:18:09 +0100

.... for those of you who would like their tax money to be invested in
green, fair and local agriculture instead of supporting industrial

NGOs urge citizens to Go MAD over the CAP Reform following last week's
disappointing result!

Following the disappointing outcome of the vote by the European
Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (COMAGRI)
over the CAP reform, 25 farmers’ and civil society networks from 10
countries have launched the EU-wide action: Go M.A.D. (Go Meet A Deputy!
). It calls upon Europe’s citizens to directly interact with their local
Members of the European Parliament (MEP) and ask them how they will vote
during the plenary decision on the CAP reform in Strasbourg in March

This action has been initiated by the Good Food Good Farming campaign,
which is an initiative of the Agricultural and Rural Convention
(ARC2020) - a civil society platform for organisations and individuals
across Europe calling for a REAL reform of the EU’s Common Agricultural
Policy (CAP). 
Set up in 2010, ARC2020's scope is to give civil society a strong voice
in the reform process, and mobilize beyond traditional stakeholder
interests. Representing over 150 organisations from 22 Member States,
these interests range from food, human health and animal welfare, to
development cooperation, global justice and climate change, as well as
those of conventional and organic farmers, and rural development

Mag.a Brigitte Kratzwald
Jakoministraße 20
8010 Graz
Mail: brigitte.kratzwald at commons.at
Tel: 0043(0)699/11286557
Web: www.commons.at

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