[gottrekorder] invitation
gottrekorder - association of artists
gottrekorder at lists.gottrekorder.com
Di Mai 7 12:39:52 CEST 2024
You are most welcome!
gottrekorder – association of artists exhibits
*I was there and I did nothing…*
by *Kerstin Bennier*
*André Leroi-Gourhan (1911-1986): L'Art des Cavernes*
(Pr. Leroi-Gourhan parle, Collection Français de Notre Temps, n° 108,
edited by *sattler-glockner*)
Exhibition held at Galerientage 2024, Graz
Opening: 10.05.2024, 17:00-22:00
gottrekorder e.v.
Rechbauerstraße 19 A
A - 8010 Graz
http://www.gottrekorder.com <http://www.gottrekorder.com>
Ex voto, in André Leroi-Gourhan, Le geste et la parole (Paris: Albin
Michel, 1964), ed.
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