[gottrekorder] invitation

gottrekorder news at gottrekorder.com
Mo Jun 7 00:39:39 CEST 2021

freies Künstler* - Kuratoren* - Gespräch // Open discussion with the 
artists, curators and the audience

18.06.2021, 18:00 - 22:00
gottrekorder e.v.
rechbauerstrasse 19a
8010 graz

Exhibition curated by
Robert Gruber in cooperation with
Kathrin Hanga & Manfred Stocker

works by
Laura Hatting
Bianca Phos
Markus Proschek
Almut Reichenbach
& works from the collection and the collective

15.05. - 28.07.2021
tuesday 11:00 - 13:00
by appointment +43 650 5559666


COVID-19 prevention: Please note the health-related measures in the 
respective current version.

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