[Forumnews] Programm vom 09.03 - 15.03.
Martin Erhart
erhart at forumstadtpark.at
Di Mär 3 14:02:25 CET 2009
*agit.DOC Dokumentarfilmreihe
Riot-On! (FIN / 2004)*
/Mi, 11.03., 20:00 Uhr, Hauptraum
/75min, ENG OV+UT, Regie: *Kim Finn*; Buch: *Kim Finn*, *John Hakalax*
"The year is 2000 and investors are going crazy about a new mobile phone
company called Riot Entertainment. Many high profile companies, like
Nokia, invest millions on this unknown firm. Two years later, when all
the money has been spent and the company is bankrupt, the fun is over.
What happened?" So die kurze aber treffende Inhaltsangabe dieses
spektakulären Dokumentarfilms über die Vorgänge bei Riot-Entertainment,
einer Firma im Spannungsfeld zwischen Betrug, Wahnwitz, Parties,
Investoren, Saunas und "mobilen Anwendungen".
Regisseur Kim Finn hat für "Riot-On" den passenden Stil gewählt: schnell
geschnittene Szenen und Interviews im "MTV-Style" und teilweise sehr
erheiternde Comic-Illustrationen. Wie ein paar Finnen Hollywood Bosse,
Rupert Murdoch, Nokia und viele andere Investoren abzockten und dabei
auch noch eine Menge Spaß hatten, ist in der Tat sehenswert und vor
Allem in Zeiten der Finanzkrise doch sehr erleuchtend - wenn auch im
Vergleich zu Madoff's Milliardenbetrug die Finnen kleine Fische darstellen.
*Konzert | Party
/Fr, 13.03., 22:00 Uhr, Keller, Eintritt: 6€
/*Sigha *[hotflush two, medium / London, UK]
*Ca.tter *[dubsquare, temp~ / Wien]
*Sci-Fi Trackers live *[dubsquare, temp~ / Wien]
*El Rakkas* [echodub, COTN / Graz]
*feelipa *[disko404, COTN / Graz]
Dieses COTN steht ganz im Zeichen von reduzierten Beats, schweren
Basslines und deepen flächigen Sounds die sich in der Schnittmenge von
Dubstep, Techno und UK Garage bewegen.
*Sigha's *combination of cavernous soundscapes and stoically
forward-skanking beats happens to be pretty much at the edge of
dubstep/minimal-crossover, which has become so popular over the past
years. With his debut release on Hotflush Two he delivers a brilliantly
executed realisation of Minimalism without resorting to clichéd effects.
His ostensibly calm and fragile productions turn out to be hitting
dancefloors ultra-hard once they're played on a big system.
Being involved in the Viennese Dancemusic-scene for many years, *Ca.tter
& Mstep* have committed themselves to the creation of bass-driven
Dubstep/Elektro-hybrids, resulting in deep and at the same time
ultra-dark arrangements arround 140bpm. They can refer to releases on
labels such as Cheap Records and ~temp.
No matter if it's in their back2back DJ sets - where they play mostly a
mixture of percussive dubstep, dark garage beats, bassy minimal and
reverbed dub-techno - or their own productions: *El Rakkas* aim has
always been to create an unique piece of deep and danceable music. Watch
out for their forthcoming releases on lodubs and echodub!
Through her love for bass music *feelipa *has pushed the sound of
dubstep for years being a longstanding member of Zagreb's cfsn as well
as Graz' very own disko404. Her current DJ sets consist of a good
mixture of bass music styles around 140 bpm - from deep to bouncy and
beyond - with an eye on the dancefloor she definately knows how to roll.
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