[esc] medien kunst labor: FEMINIST SERVER GETTOGETHER EXCHANGE MEETING, ZERSTÖREN am 8. November 2016 um 18.00 Uhr

programm-esc programm at esc.mur.at
Wed Nov 2 17:41:24 CET 2016

esc medien kunst labor

© esc medien kunst labor, ministry of hacking, 2014

*Feminist Server Gettogether Exchange Meeting**, ZERSTÖREN

*Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!

Wir laden Sie sehr herzlich zur Veranstaltung /Feminist Server
Gettogether Exchange Meeting /am 8.November um 18.00 Uhr ins *esc*
medien kunst labor ein.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!
Reni Hofmüller und Ilse Weber

/Alle Dinge können anders gedacht werden./ Luce Irigaray

Beim /Feminist Server Gettogether Exchange Meeting/, das im Rahmen des
Projektes /ZERSTÖREN/ im esc medien kunst labor stattfindet, werden
HackerInnen Entwicklungen rund um Server-Infrastrukturen und deren
Nutzung und Veränderbarkeit erörtern.
In einem informellen Setting präsentieren /Anne Goldenberg, Ellen
Foster, Femke Snelting, Ushi Reiter/ und Künstlerinnen des Projektes
/ZERSTÖREN/ ihre Ansätze im Umgang mit Technologie und diskutieren alte
und neue Strategien der täglichen Nutzung des Internets.

Meeting in englischer Sprache.

Anne Goldenberg:


To *destroy* refers to an action to anhilate, to make something
disappear, to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence,
or usefulness of something seen as undesirable.

To *constellate* is a practice that allows us to make sense, to allign
ourselves (Estela López Solís), or eventually to add stars in a sky
already deprived of light (Adrienne Maree Brown, citing Martin Luther King)

A *constellation* is an ensemble of stars whose appearance from a
specific/situated position make them look visibily close enough that
civilisations draw links between them, creating meaningful shapes.

A gendered socialisation has associated virility with expertise of
destruction and feminity with skills for caring, healing and reconstructing.

Feminist epistemologies have often use deconstructive approaches in
order to critic and dismantle the long lasting patterns of power and
domination dynamics between genders (machism), but also toward
ecosystems (specism). In this mindset, technologies are seens as an
extension of dominitation or exploitation, and a result of logical
systematic rational efforts. In 1991, in her feminist, antispecist and
socialist cyborg manifesto, Donna Haraway proposed the reunion, or more
so a recogintion of the fallacy, of those long-standing artificial
divisions. If they are united, always already as entwined relations, if
there is no war here, what is left for feminism to destroy / deconstruct
/ unbuild ? Is destruction a virile attribute ? Can feminism be
officialy rageous ? And happily killing, opening, destroying unwanted
structures, imposed joyfulness (Sara Ahmed) and unclosed toys (Nancy
Mauro Flude, 2008). Or is it in particular, exploitative patterns that
feminism aims to destroy, in order to rebuild revolutionary structures
and other forms of collective beings? From a tactical perspective,
Octavia Butler has powerfully depicted this battle between healing vs
destroying practices within a patriarcial exploitative structure (Wild
Seed) : feminist thought would need to bear some oppressive structures
in order to navigate, transform and create new strengths. In order to
bring circularity in this process, I'd like to referee to a buddhist or
dharma art perspective (Trungpa), where destruction is seen as the last
of the 4 kharmic actions (pacifying / enriching / magnetising /
destroying)... Destruction becomes the last stage of what resists to the
other ones.

If we look at destruction and constellation as circular practices, what
guides us to choose what to destroy, create, magnetise, constellate ?

How does contemporary technofeminism enact the destruction of oppressive
patterns, while generating a constellation of hopes, solidarities and
intersiticial practices, in order to dance forward to a desirable future ?

*Destroy | Constellate* aims at deepening the practices of destruction
and the art of constellating from a decolonial, healing, and
technofeminist perspective

A Feminist Server: http://esc.mur.at/de/node/1234
Are you being served? http://vj14.constantvzw.org/
Destroy - Constellate:

*Film burn texture (c) Dustin Schmieding, unterlegt mit dem Emblem der
Haager Konvention von 1954 zur Kennzeichnung von geschütztem Kulturgut

*/Die sozialen Errungenschaften, die gesellschaftlichen Werte und
demokratischen Praktiken, die persönlichen Freiheiten und Freiräume, die
der Etablierung eines internationalen Absatzmarktes zum Opfer fielen
bzw. freiwillig geopfert wurden und werden, sind Ausgangspunkt dieses

Erfahren Sie mehr über das Projekt ->  *ZERSTÖREN*

Mit CN:FM (GB), /etc – Eclectic Tech Carnival, FemHack (CA), GreenNet
(GB), k² (AT), L‘Erse (CA), maschen (AT), Miss Despoinas (TAS), Mz*
Baltazar‘s Laboratory (AT), THF – Transhackfeminist Meeting

** **Dauer der Ausstellung: 25.9. - 18.11.2016******
*****Öffnungszeiten 25.9.–16.10.2016*: Di–Fr, 11.00–19.00 Uhr, Sa–So
11.00–17.00 Uhr
*Öffnungszeiten 18.10–18.11.2016*: Di–Fr, 14.00–19.00 Uhr und nach
Vereinbarung, Eintritt frei
*Finissage*: Fr, 18.11.2016, 18.00 Uhr

ZERSTÖREN / DESTROY ist eine Koproduktion von *esc *medien kunst labor
mit kunst at werk und steirischer herbst.                  *
**esc* medien kunst labor, Bürgergasse 5, 8010 Graz, tel: +43 316 83 60
00, esc at mur.at <mailto:esc at mur.at>, http://esc.mur.at/
Gefördert von: Kulturamt der Stadt Graz, Kulturreferat des Landes
Steiermark, BKA Kunst
Bildsujets: © esc medien kunst labor, ministry of hacking, 2014
Film burn texture © Dustin Schmieding, unterlegt mit dem Emblem der
Haager Konvention von 1954 zur Kennzeichnung von geschütztem Kulturgut.






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