[ESC] Sa, 19.12.2009, Theorie-Brunch "Privacy By-Products"

labor at mur.at labor at mur.at
Tue Dec 15 16:28:09 CET 2009

Jakoministrasse 16/1, 8010 Graz

Herzliche Einladung zur letzten Veranstaltung der ESC im Jahr 2009,
die gleichzeitig auch den Auftakt fuer eine ganze Serie 2010 bildet.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihr/Euer Kommen.
Reni Hofmueller/ESC

Im angenehm entspannten Rahmen eines Brunches laden wir zum
zweisprachigen Austausch zum Thema Privacy. Deutsch und englisch
werden wir uns mit Seda Guerses und/and Thibaut d'Alton dem Themenfeld

Privacy By-Products
Seda Guerses und/and Thibaut d'Alton

Samstag, 19.12.2009
13.00 - 17.00 Uhr


Never has privacy been so productive, so profitable, and so
entertaining. Other than it being a genuine concern for many
individuals and communities, privacy has also become a productive
field in itself. By now, our digital every day life is full of privacy
by-products: privacy policies, privacy settings, privacy language,
privacy reports, privacy rankings, privacy films, privacy tools,
privacy legislation, privacy conferences, privacy festivals, etc.
These products are brought to life most often by so called "experts":
privacy researchers, privacy lawyers, privacy commissions, privacy
activists, and sometimes by others like privacy bloggers and everyday
users. These persons and products mediate our experience of digital
privacy and are there to respond in one way or another to our privacy
concerns. During my presentation, I would like to take some time to
share my personal archive of privacy by-products in the domain of
social networks and take these as a starting point for a discussion on
how to engage in the privacy machinery.

Seda Guerses, computer scientist, specialized in security questions

Monsieur d'Alton, born in 1984 in Paris (they gonna love this one) as
always considered computers as tools. After studying geology, he went
for animation.he's currently living in berlin.

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