[CryptoParty] [realraum] OpenPGP workshop, 2015-11-24
crypto at 2904.cc
Di Nov 24 16:43:08 CET 2015
Erinnerung an alle, die gerne mehr über E-Mail Verschlüsselung lernen
Heute ab 20:00 findet im realraum (Brockmanngasse 15) ein openPGP Workshop
Eintritt frei, bitte Notebook mitnehmen.
Details siehe unten.
On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Nicolas Braud-Santoni <
nicolas at braud-santoni.eu> wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I finally added an OpenPGP workshop to the calendar: next Tuesday, 20h.
> Save the date! Or just forget about it and come to r³ on that evening.
> You can find an extended description on Grical[0], but the main things
> are:
> - We will talk about OpenPGP.
> - We will talk about offline key handling.
> - We will talk about best practices for key signing.
> You will need:
> - willingness to learn;
> - 2 or 3 hours to spend in Realraum;
> - a USB thumbdrive; if possible, install Tails on it in advance;
> - probably some id document if you want to keysign and some people
> expect to be able to check your name or somesuch.
> Important: I would really appreciate if someone could help me
> run the workshop, especially if they are knowledgeable about
> setting up GnuPG on Windows (hint: I'm not).
> Best, and I hope to see you there!
> nicoo
> [0] http://grical.realraum.at/e/show/712/
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