[CryptoParty] ff+chrome: adblocking/3rd party tracking

Ralph Wozelka ralph at wozelka.at
Mo Jan 12 14:56:47 CET 2015

griaß eich!

um wieder mal bei den sympathischen leuten von tacticaltech.org [0]


Any good?

Arbeitet anscheinend algorithmen-basiert [1]:

"Privacy Badger was born out of our desire to be able to recommend a
single extension that would automatically analyze and block any tracker
or ad that violated the principle of user consent; which could function
well without any settings, knowledge or configuration by the user; which
is produced by an organization that is unambiguously working for its
users rather than for advertisers; and which uses algorithmic methods to
decide what is and isn't tracking"

so long,

[0] https://tacticaltech.org/
[1] https://www.eff.org/privacybadger#how_is_it_different

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