[CryptoParty] Probleme mit TrueCrypt
2904 at riseup.net
Fr Mai 30 14:11:13 CEST 2014
Am 29.05.14 22:38, schrieb an.to_n-73 at riseup.net:
> Mal abwarten, was sich ergibt.
auf Twitter hat jemand angeblich einen Truecrypt-Entwickler erreicht:
Steven Barnhart (@stevebarnhart) wrote to an eMail address he had
used before and received several replies from “David.” The following
snippets were taken from a twitter conversation which then took place
between Steven Barnhart (@stevebarnhart) and Matthew Green
TrueCrypt Developer “David”: “We were happy with the audit, it
didn't spark anything. We worked hard on this for 10 years, nothing
lasts forever.”
Steven Barnhart: (Paraphrasing) Developer “personally” feels that
fork is harmful: “The source is still available as a reference though.”
Steven Barnhart: “I asked and it was clear from the reply that "he"
believes forking's harmful because only they are really familiar w/code.”
Steven Barnhart: “Also said no government contact except one time
inquiring about a ‘support contract.’ ”
TrueCrypt Developer “David”: Said “Bitlocker is ‘good enough’ and
Windows was original ‘goal of the project.’ ”
Quoting TrueCrypt Developer David: “There is no longer interest.”
--Zitat ende--
> Eine Frage: Kann jemand eine Open Source Verschluesselungsprogramm
> fuer Partitionen empfehlen, das aehnlich benutzerfreundlich wie
> TrueCrypt ist und auf Linux und Windoof laueft?
Tails (die Linux Distribution mit Privatsphäre-Fokus) hat schon vor ein
paar Tagen angekündigt, Truecrypt zu ersetzen, und ein paar Alternativen
gelistet: https://tails.boum.org/blueprint/replace_truecrypt/
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