[CryptoParty] Net Mundial / Graz als HUB?
Daniel Erlacher | Elevate
daniel.erlacher at elevate.at
Di Apr 8 16:39:54 CEST 2014
hello alle
am 23/24 April findet in Brasilien (Sao Paulo) eine große Internet Konferenz statt,
es geht um sehr relevante Themen..
eine freundin von mir ist in die organisation involviert und auch wenn das formular
von der website schon offline ist, es gäbe noch die möglichkeit einen HUB in Graz
zu organisieren, wen sich schnell wer findet der/die das organisieren kann...
Diese Daten wären nötig, ich würde das per email weiterleiten, wenn sich was ergibt
Number of expected participants:
Description of available infrastructure: ex. Broadband Fiber Internet connection, datashow, amphitheater, laptop, videoconference system
Organizing institution:
Hub coordinator name:
Local webpage of the event (if available):
Necessary budget to cover expenses (if any):
Photos and bios of persons involved in the organization of the hub:
Meldet euch bitte bis morgen spätestens..
Ich hab davon leider auch erst so spät erfahren!...
About NETmundial
In the same year that World Wide Web celebrates 25 years, Brazil hosts NETmundial – Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance. The meeting is organized in a partnership between the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br) and /1Net, a forum that gathers international entities of the various stakeholders involved with Internet governance.
This meeting will focus on the elaboration of principles of Internet governance and the proposal for a roadmap for future development of this ecosystem. The goal is to consolidateproposals based on these two topics. NETmundial represents the beginning of a process for the construction of such policies in the global context, following a model of participatory plurality.
With the goal of bringing together representatives of civil society, private sector, academia and technical community to establish strategic guidelines related to the use and development of the Internet in the world, NETmundial was concept into committees format, each one with representatives of the involved stakeholders, distinguished experts, aiming to give guidelines and organize the meeting.
NETmundial is supported by the High-Level Multistakeholder Committee, composed of ministerial representatives of 12 countries (Argentina, Brazil, France, Ghana, Germany, India, Indonesia, South Africa, South Korea, Tunisia, Turkey and United States of America) plus 12 members of the multistakeholder international community. This Committee includes representatives of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)) and the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) of the United Nations, and representation of the European Commission. Its responsibility is to oversee the overall strategy of the event and to promote the involvement of the international community around the themes that will be discussed at the meeting.
The Executive Multistakeholder Committee is responsible for the agenda of the meeting, its format, the call for participants and the management of the received content contributions, ensuring balanced participation of the global community. This Committee has nine international members, including representatives of technical, civil and academic communities, the private sector and the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations. The Logistics and Organizational Committee and the Council of Governmental Advisors complete the Organization of the event.
During the phase of content contribution submissions, , the meeting has received 188 contributions, from 46 different countries. The proposal is to embrace all stakeholders requests in the new model of Internet governance that should have its development started at the meeting. NETmundial happens on April 23rd and 24th, 2014, in São Paulo, Brazil, and will be broadcast live, as well as allow remote forms of participation, which will be announced shortly.
About NETmundial
The Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance will focus on crafting Internet governance principles and proposing a roadmap for the further evolution of the Internet governance ecosystem. The meeting is scheduled for April 23rd and 24th 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil and will be live webcast enabling remote participation. The meeting follows an initiative proposed by CGI.br and /1net. #netmundial2014
About CGI.br
The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee, responsible for establishing strategic directives related to the use and development of the Internet in Brazil, coordinates and integrates all Internet service initiatives in the country, promoting the technical excellence, innovation and dissemination of offered services. Based on the principles of multilateralism, transparency and democracy, CGI.br represents a multistakeholder Internet governance model with the effective participation of all society sectors in their decisions. One of its formulations are the 10 Principles for the Governance and Use of the Internet (http://www.cgi.br/principios). More information: http://www.cgi.br
About /1net
/1net provides an inclusive and open platform to discuss Internet governance matters for all those interested (individuals, governments, civil society, academia, technicians, and business). More information on how to participate: http://1net.org
Elevate Festival
for contemporary music,
arts and political discourse
Graz, Austria - 23.-26.10.2014
daniel.erlacher at elevate.at
T: +43 650 7977777
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