[ connected-05 ] forum stadtpark april 7

cym at mur.at cym at mur.at
Fri Feb 24 19:09:25 CET 2006

hello everybody,

we fixed a date for the presentation in forum stadtpark:
friday, 7 april 2006

it will be in the seminarroom upstairs, the space on the first floor with the
balcony. the main exhibition space is also free. if we come up with a good
concept of how to use the big space, we could also use that space, but i think
it will be better to use the smaller space.

nicole and i had a meeting with anton yesterday. we explained a bit how the
presentation in sredisce was, but we did not fix anything yet for the
presentation in forum. only the date.

but i must send a text for the programm already at the beginning of march, so we
should at least know the outlines/structure for the presentation very soon.

but first, please everybody write if you can be in forum on april 7, so that we
know who will be there.



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