[ connected-05 ] saturday

cym at mur.at cym at mur.at
Fri Jul 8 16:06:14 CEST 2005

ok, then let's meet at 15:30 in forum stadtpark.
and then we decide where to go depending on the weather.

i was reading julij's mail before and he has a lot of points we should discuss.
i think it would be good if we have some kind of list with topics we would like
to discuss, so we have the meeting a bit more structured. since we don't have
so much time, we probably should not get lost in very long (endless)

i think it would be good to talk about making this little booklet, since we
should start with this already now, so it documents the different stages of
connected. we could think about what form it could have. for the public, as
julij suggested, i think is nice. i would like it if this booklet would be
finished quite quickly, so we can present it still in july on a possbile

> to cym: about showing nice places
> What special place could i show to you in goricko? I only thought of the part
> forest and fields near ac im use to take the walk through. But i dont really
> what use could this be to anyone but me.

i think this is interesting already, that you must think now differently about
'your place', when you want to present it to other people. what is special
about it, why,... maybe if you just take us on one of your walks, we will see
something completely different than you usually see when you walk there

> to betina and cym: about bettinas party
> Party can also be a creative time. Since its also in graz i guess it goes well
> into the connected.

so, would you like to stay till sunday? i like to go to bettina's party, but
only during the day. i would like to go back home sunday-evening around 20h or
so. we could have the whole sunday to think/work/exchange ideas for connected
and then sit together and exchange more thoughts at the fire at bettina's place

see you tomorrow,


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