[ connected-05 ] description!!!

vita.zgur at guest.arnes.si vita.zgur at guest.arnes.si
Fri Aug 5 21:55:29 CEST 2005


because connected is a part of gibanica you should send me some short
description of what you will present on the dooms day 16th of august.
let me explain.
because gibanica is meant to include people of here around, we send
(it is really carried to their postboxes) an invitation to what, where
and when it will happen. because we are disconnectedconnected send me
something, so that i can write some really simple text about connected
(about your projects), so that i have time to translate it to slovene.
till now i only got one from nicole and johannes - thank you.
there will be another letter at the presentation - a sheet of paper
where the whole project will be explained to people - for them to read
and understand - so don't send me some bullshitting thing. i will send
to the connected mailing list ours (from artcenter) also, so everybody
will know about what we all are doing, which i think will be good.
also let me know which time is good - did we say 19 or 20h? i have to
tell the designer for the poster.
otherwise we've been called lazy artists (with "i'm kidding" in
brackets) but this says a lot - maybe about the person who wrote it or
about us. i wonder. 

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