+comunity+ # home sounds - Soundprojekt zum Mitmachen
Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka
margarethe at mur.at
Di Jul 6 10:07:52 CEST 2021
Liebe Community,
im Juli mach ich gerade ein partizipatives translokales Soundprojekt für
das KISMIF Festival in Porto, und dafür bin ich auf der Suche nach
Sounds aus aller Welt. Die Aktion wird live gestreamt über eine
Internetplattform, sowie zu ausgewählten Zeiten im Radio in England
(soundartradio UK), und die Aufnahmen werden hinterher als Radiosendung
editiert und wiederum ausgestrahlt. Unten steht die Beschreibung. Ich
freu mich auf Teilnahme und offene Ohren! Es gibt keine fixe Deadline
fürs Mitmachen, ich nehme alles was kommt ;)
Herzliche Grüße,
# home sounds - a participatory sound / radio project
We all have been confined in our movements a lot over the past year, and
this constantly challenges what "home" means to each of us. With this
initiative I invite to a collective re-imagination of the feeling of
home, across space and time through sound. Together we are creating an
evolving sound installation that can be experienced across distance. The
installation is created with a lot of little loudspeakers that I
collected and got from friends over time. Normally those mini boomboxes
are seen as cheap consumer products, toys, everyday sound bubbles, used
and thrown away quickly. I make them come to life in a collective
orchestra - they will be spread out in my garden, replaying and mixing
all sounds together. Each day during the action, new sounds will be
added. The whole sound environment will be recorded and can be listened
by everyone via an online stream, and later on in a radio broadcast.
Thus we create a growing social sound field, a community of listening.
1. Recall an experience:
when, how and where do you feel at home through your ears? Can you tell
a story of a home moment that you remember in your life? Where and how
does "home" sound?
2. Record:
Record your impression and send it to me. It can be your voice telling a
story, it can be just a sound, or a recording of your sound environment
at a place you feel home. Record a snippet of audio of any length (it
can be simple and quick, done with your phone) and send it back to me
via email.
3. Listen:
Every day during 7.-9. and 14.-16. July, the soundfield will be active,
filled with our sounds, mixing with the sounds from the direct
environment. You can listen to it remotely during certain time frames
via a stream that is accessible on a web page, it is part of a project
creating a world wide sound map. The stream link is:
[Alternative: you go on the webpage with the map and click on the stream
icon set up at Graz, Austria. The stream is called „all_ears“]
The soundstream will be active daily from 7. to 9. and 14.-16. July,
between 11.00-13h, and maybe on other times too :)
Throughout I will document the action and create a radiophonic remix
that will be aired afterwards on Radio Helsinki - I will kesp you updated.
I am excited to create this together with you and look forward to
hearing from you!!
Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka
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