+comunity+ [Fwd: Supporting Artists During the Covid-19 Pandemic]
Jogi Hofmüller
jogi at mur.at
Fr Mär 20 16:47:12 CET 2020
wer Bock hat kann noch einkaufen ;) Bandcamp verzichtet noch bis
Mitternacht PST - also für uns in CET bis 7 Uhr morgen Früh :)
Alles Liebe,
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Von: Bandcamp <noreply at bandcamp.com>
Reply-to: Bandcamp <noreply at bandcamp.com>
An: @mur.at
Betreff: Supporting Artists During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Datum: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 03:30:59 +0000 (UTC)
The Covid-19 pandemic has hit artists especially hard as tours and
shows are canceled for the foreseeable future. To help support those
impacted, we’re waiving our revenue share on all sales this Friday,
March 20, from midnight to midnight PST. If you are able, please join
us in putting some much needed money directly into artists’ pockets.
Read more about why we’re doing this, and please help us spread the
Remarkable Claims Require Remarkable Proof.
- Carl Sagan
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