+comunity+ Fwd: 4 European Travel Support Grants to MoneyLab #7 Outside of Finance
Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka
margarethe at mur.at
Mi Sep 18 15:48:18 CEST 2019
liebe comunity,
falls jemand das thema interessiert (*wink arbeitsgruppe
blockchain??!?), hier eine ausschreibung zum thema (digitale) währungen,
social contracts, blockchain und co.
lg maggie
*4 European Travel Support Grants to MoneyLab #7 Outside of Finance*
Participate in the MoneyLab General Assembly
MoneyLab #7 program: networkcultures.org/moneylab7
The Institute of Network Cultures announces 4 travel grants (inside
Europe) to attend the MoneyLab #7 conference on November 14-15 2019.
This grant is meant for critics, artists, activists, researchers, and
cultural organizers that have an interest in MoneyLab-related issues and
intend to become more actively involved in the MoneyLab network.
We will cover travel and accommodation (up to 3 nights) to the
conference and expect you to participate and contribute to the MoneyLab
General Assembly that will debate where the initiative should be taken
next. In the past 3 years, MoneyLab has travelled to the UK, USA, and
Germany, and has seen its central concerns around the design of money
get mainstream attention, this is the moment to define the future
directions of the MoneyLab network. Which topics are most urgent? Who
will feature MoneyLab in a new local context? Which artistic
imaginations should inform our financial futures?
Please apply with a short motivation (max. 200 words, send to <inte [a]
networkcultures [.] org>) before Monday September 23, 8pm CET. We will
inform you of the selection a few days later. If you are selected, we
will ask you to provide travel details before the end of the week
(September 27).
The grants are supported by the Pauwhof Fund.
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