+comunity+ Final Version / Interest in being initial signatory a g a i n s t upload filters?
Jogi Hofmüller
jogi at mur.at
So Mär 24 17:50:54 CET 2019
Liebe Leute,
ich leite hiermit einen Aufruf zur Unterzeichnung eines offenen Briefs
an EU-Abgeordnete weiter. Wer diesen Brief unterzeichnen möchte, soll
sich bei
Nina Stuhldreher <nina-temp at gmx.de>
melden. Hier der Aufruftext (Brief im Anhang):
Dear all, here a final version with an official intro you can use if
you want.
(Pls no more forwarding of that version with my telephone number, I am
already getting strange calls. ;))
Best N
Dear Colleagues,
Would you be willing to be one of the first signatories of an open
letter AGAINST upload filters?
(#article13 / EU Copyright Directive)
We aim to have 100 first signatories who are key figures in the field
of art + media culture by Sunday night.
The vote in EU parliament is Tuesday March 26.
The open letter will be published on Monday March 25 on its own
wordpress site and by IG Kultur Vienna, the
Representation of cultural workers, and many other cultural initiatives
(more are welcome) as well as sent to the
Members of the EU parliament.
If you want to participate, please reply until Sunday, March 24, 8pm
CET to this mail and describe yourself in this format:
(Name)(profession/affiliation/self-definition)(institution if
applicable)(town)(website if applicable)
Feel free to pass this on to EU colleagues - in context of this
campaign the more renowned, the better, we have no automated
Process for this so can only handle a certain capacity and prefer to
concentrate on renowned colleagues or people with institutional
Affiliation or people explicitly working in context of internet and new
media. And please remember to also communicate that this
Should be treated as confidential until the launch.
Would be great to hear from you!
On behalf of those involved,
Alle the best, Nina Stuhldreher
Nina Stuhldreher (Berlin/ Vienna)
Visual Artist - Neurodiversity Activist - Reality Researcher
Alles Liebe,
Wenn tausend Menschen ein Monat lang an eine erfundene Geschichte glauben, dann
ist das Fake News. Wenn eine Milliarde Menschen daran tausend Jahre glauben,
dann ist es eine Religion. - Yuval Harari (via https://t.co/jhp1osRObA)
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