+comunity+ [Fwd: Call for participants: Collective Conditions ~~ worksession ~~ 8-16/11/2019]
Jogi Hofmüller
jogi at mur.at
Sa Jul 6 13:02:20 CEST 2019
Liebe alle,
ich leite hier einen Call weiter, und möchte das allen Interessierten
wärmstens empfehlen! Zweimal hab ich schon an einer derartigen
Worksession teilgenommen, und es jedes Mal sehr anregend und
inspirierend gefunden.
Alles Liebe,
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Von: Donatella <donatella at constantvzw.org>
An: Donatella <donatella at constantvzw.org>
Betreff: Call for participants: Collective Conditions ~~ worksession ~~
Datum: Fri, 5 Jul 2019 12:58:39 +0200
Mailer: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101
Collective Conditions is a work-session which experiments with the
generative potential of codes of conduct, complaints procedures, bug
reports and copyleft licenses. We understand these socio-technical
protocols as artistic and activist media and are curious about the role
they can play in the (different) imagination of complex collectivities.
We will work with different modes of ’writing’ that go beyond typing
protocols on a keyboard. We invite you to experiment with codes,
rhythms, frequencies, scripts, scores and non-verbal agreements that
regulate, challenge, stumble and collide; that pose questions and
problems. We articulate conditions using time, material, bodies,
spaces, machines, habits, repetition and chance.
Constant organises a work-session every six months. They function as
temporary research labs, collective working environments where
different types of expertise come into contact with each other.
Worksessions are intensive otherwise-disciplined situations to which
artists, software developers, theorists, activists and others
contribute. During worksessions we develop ideas and prototypes that in
the long-term lead to publications, projects and new proposals.
Collective Conditions is part of Iterations, a long-term artistic
research into the future of collaborative practice in a digital
context. Through a relay of residences and presentations, alternating
groups of artists work on joint installations with copyleft source
material and open source tools. A reflection on the conditions for
collectivity is part of the artistic experiments that cross
institutions and technological infrastructures.
Interested? Don't forget to apply before 10 September 2019!
More info: http://constantvzw.org/site/Call-for-participants-Collective
Summer greetings,
Remarkable Claims Require Remarkable Proof.
- Carl Sagan
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