+comunity+ ML - einreichung "New Technological Art Award (NTAA)"
Reni Hofmüller
reni at mur.at
So Nov 11 10:49:59 CET 2018
guten morgen, MLs
das wär vielleicht was ;)
During the last few years, Zebrastraat Ghent has developed into a
stimulating knowledge centre with a strong interest in art. Every two
years we organize a biennial called /update_/, and the New Technological
Art Award (NTAA) contest, which tries to fill in a gap in the mainstream
art world, by paying attention to the technological developments that
drive our global culture.
Zebrastraat 32/001
9000 Ghent
*Call for entries*
International art exhibition for new technology
November 2–24, 2019
*Application period:* November 1, 2018–March 31, 2019
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