+comunity+ Elktroniker*in /Elektrotechniker*in für Kunstprojekt gesucht
anita hofer
anita at mur.at
Do Aug 30 17:49:50 CEST 2018
liebe Leute,
die Künstlerin Ada Kobusiewicz sucht ganz dringend eine*n Expert*in in Graz zur Umsetzung einer Installation.
Siehe ihr Anliegen unten.
Bitte an sie zurückschreiben, falls sich jemand davon angesprochen fühlt: ada.kobusiewicz at gmail.com
merxi, Anita
> Von: Ada <ada.kobusiewicz at gmail.com>
> Dear Anita,
> I will write on English as is easier for me and I hope everybody will understand.
> I need someone to help me to build an object which need to turn around on some motor, the best as slow as possible. So the object is a motor, a disc and the object with 200 pieces of acrylic glass which are hanging on fishline. I have some idea how to do it but I need to check if it can work like this at all. We built already one for last exhibition but it was not optimal solution and it need to be make once more. i attach a link to video where you can see this object min: 05:10
> https://vimeo.com/262288786
> the fact is that the opening is on 9th September so is very urgently!
> thanx in advance to share
> Best
> ada
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