+comunity+ morgen demo der refugees vom protestcamp
Reni Hofmüller
reni at mur.at
Fr Okt 16 19:17:59 CEST 2015
falls ihr es nicht eh schon wo gelesen/gehört habt,
morgen, samstag, 17.10, 15uhr
Jakominiplatz, zwischen Corti und Backwerk!
Diesen Samstag gehen wir Flüchtlinge demonstrieren um auf unsere
Situation aufmerksam zu machen. Wir warten seit Monaten, manche von uns
seit über einem Jahr auf unseren Asylbescheid. Unsere Familien die nach
wie vor im Kriegsgebiet leben müssen, und jede Minute sterben könnten,
können wir nur nach einem positiven Entscheidung nachholen und in
Sicherheit bringen.
Wir haben mehrere Punkte die uns wichtig sind:
>>We want that somebody explains to us why we are in this situation for
such a long time and how long we have to wait until something will change.
>>We need a fair procedure to get a decision (Bescheid). It should be
possible to treat refugees equal. Some people (from the same country)
get a decision (Bescheid) after a couple of months and while others have
to wait at 10 months and more without a new appointment with the
>>We have no appointment for the second interview right now and we need
to get a given date for the next interview.
>>We want to have an appointment for the second interview as fast as
possible after the first interview!
>>We are save but our families are not. A lot of refugees still have
their families in extremely dangerous situations (civil war). Therefore
we want our families to come to Europe as well.
>>We want to get work to become an active part of the society and to
show our gratefulness to the people who live in Austria.
We want to start a new life in Austria with our family members on our
site and with our own work to take care about our families.
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