+comunity+ Fwd: (TERENA) Network Performing Arts Production Workshop in Barcelona 15-17 June 2011]
Jogi Hofmüller
jogi at mur.at
Sa Mai 7 19:32:19 CEST 2011
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----- Forwarded message from "Christian Panigl, UniVie/ACOnet/VIX" <Christian.Panigl at UniVie.ac.at> -----
From: "Christian Panigl, UniVie/ACOnet/VIX" <Christian.Panigl at UniVie.ac.at>
To: ACOnet-B <aconet-b at lists.univie.ac.at>
Cc: Winfried Ritsch <ritsch at iem.at>
Date: Wed, 04 May 2011 14:38:28 +0200
Subject: [aconet-b] Fwd: (TERENA) Network Performing Arts Production
Workshop in Barcelona 15-17 June 2011
Sender: aconet-b-bounces at lists.univie.ac.at
Organization: UniVie/ACOnet/VIX
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
insbesodere an die Teilnehmer aus den Bereichen "Musik und
darstellende Kunst" adressiert, bitte um Weiterleitung an potentielle
Liebe Grüße
Christian Panigl
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Network Performing Arts Production Workshop in Barcelona 15-17 June 2011
Date: Mon, 02 May 2011 11:12:12 +0200
From: Valentino Cavalli <cavalli at terena.org>
To: Christine Dworak <christine.dworak at univie.ac.at>,
christian.panigl at univie.ac.at
CC: Carrie Solomon <solomon at terena.org>
Dear Christian and Christine,
For the third year, TERENA is teaming up with Internet2 and European
NRENs to organise a Network Performing Arts Production Workshop in
Europe. After the successful events in Trieste and Paris, the next
workshop will be held in Barcelona on 15-17 June 2011, hosted by the
Gran Teatre del Liceu, the Barcelona opera house, who as you probably
know has been very active in promoting education initiatives via
research networks, such as Opera Oberta (www.opera-oberta.org)
The event has been announced on the TERENA website and via the network
arts at terena.org mailing list. However, we believe that you would be
interested in promoting this event to your user institutions. If the
event is interesting to your community, we encourage you to let the
community in your country know about it.
The third European Network Performing Arts Production Workshop is a
collaborative effort between TERENA, RedIRIS, CESCA, Internet2, and GARR.
Besides providing attendees with the opportunity to 'learn, touch and
play' with diverse solutions this event aims at building a community and
creating opportunities for collaboration among research networks,
artists and educational institutions in Europe and beyond.
Similar as in previous years, topics to be covered include:
* hands-on sessions of established and emerging technologies such as
DVTS, JackTrip, ConferenceXP, EchoDamp and LOLA,
* a tutorial on audio and lighting for best results in
* a live networked master class
* demonstrations of live networking performance events and projects
For further information, including technical requirements and
registration, please see the workshop website:
Best regards,
Carrie Solomon and Valentino Cavalli
aconet-b mailing list
aconet-b at lists.univie.ac.at
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j.hofmüller http://users.mur.at/thesix/
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