+comunity+ Call for Entries - Canton Palace International Film Festival
Daniela Jauk - DIVANOVA
divanova at divanova.net
Do Jun 3 05:49:21 CEST 2010
Long time, no see!
Ich häng’ noch immer in Ohio, und es ist gar net so schlecht :-) Vor
allem weil ich recht lässige Freundinnen habe, wie zum Beispiel die
Stephanie Serna (Musikerin und Filmemacherin), die heuer ein
Filmfestival organisiert. Es wäre super wenn die FilmerInnen unter Euch
was schicken!!! Und ein gute Gelegenheit Ohio kennen zu lernen…falls wer
kommen mag um den eigenen Film in einem historischen Filmtheater zu
sehen (das vom österreich-stämmigen Architekten John Eberson of Chicago
stammt) – I host you!
Liebe Grüsse!
*** Canton Palace International Film Festival***
The First Annual Canton Palace International Film Festival will take
place October 7-10 at the Historic Palace Theatre in Canton, Ohio (built
in 1926). The festival will be premiering new independent films as well
as spotlighting retrospective works of guest filmmakers. It will also
offer an educational forum through workshops.
We are seeking innovative film works in various genres: documentaries,
fictional narrative, experimental, animation, etc. -- in both short and
feature length.
We will also be accepting films shot in various formats, as one day of
the festival will be dedicated to screening small format films -- 8mm,
Super 8 and 16mm. Final screening Festival format may be in either DVD,
Blue Ray or 35mm.
Please check out the details, and the entry form on
http://cantonpalacefilmfestival.com/, and mail it along with your DVD to
Canton Palace Film Festival
P.O. Box 13785
Akron, OH 44334
Deadline for all submissions is September 1, 2010.
Inquiries: filmfestival at cantonpalacetheatre.org
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/cantonpalacefilmfestival
***We are looking forward to your work!***
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