+comunity+ [Fwd: [aconet-b] [Fwd: TERENA Performing Arts Workshop - Triest, 13./14.7.2009]]
jogi at mur.at
Mi Jun 3 13:26:54 CEST 2009
Über unseren Upstream ACOnet erreichte mich soeben diese Nachricht, die
ich hiermit gerne weiterleite.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [aconet-b] [Fwd: TERENA Performing Arts Workshop - Triest,
Datum: Wed, 03 Jun 2009 11:29:06 +0200
Von: Christian Panigl, UniVie/ACOnet/VIX <Christian.Panigl at UniVie.ac.at>
Organisation: UniVie/ACOnet/VIX
An: ACOnet-B <aconet-b at lists.univie.ac.at>
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
zu Eurer Information und ggf zur Weiterleitung ...
Liebe Gruesse
Christian Panigl
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [peaches] TERENA Performing Arts Workshop - please forward
Date: Wed, 03 Jun 2009 10:36:22 +0200
From: Valentino Cavalli <cavalli at terena.org>
Dear colleague,
I would very much appreciate your help with circulating some information
that TERENA, GARR and Internet2 would really like to get out to relevant
contacts such as campus people who usually deal with technical aspects
of videoconferencing or are interested in netcasting, or who produce
performing arts events, conduct masterclasses etc.
If you could forward just that part of this message to your relevant
contacts (and let me know), that would be great.
Many thanks for your kind consideration.
Best regards,
Valentino Cavalli
Chief Technical Officer
TERENA Secretariat
Singel 468 D,
1017 AW Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.
cavalli at terena.org
Tel: + 31 20 530 4488
Fax: + 31 20 530 4499
The first TERENA and Internet2 hands-on audio/video production workshop
will be held on 13-15 July 2009, hosted by GARR in cooperation with the
Music Conservatory of Trieste, in Italy.
The workshop will emphasise the equipment and staffing requirements for
interactive performing arts education, multi-site performance events and
high quality netcasting. It is meant to be the first in a series of
annual workshops on this topic.
The July workshop targets people in the research and education community
who produce performing arts events (academies or colleges of music,
dance, arts etc.) and want to explore the possibilities and challenges
of using advanced Internet and related services in their teaching,
rehearsals and performances.
People involved in audio/video production in other domains can also
greatly benefit from the workshop presentations and practical hands-on
sessions with the leading edge advanced applications and services that
research and education networking organisations can offer.
Main topics:
• Digital Video Transport System (DVTS and HDVTS),
• Traditional and enhanced H.323 and SIP videoconferencing,
• Conference XP,
• Full audio and echo control computerised management,
• Lighting and video camera optimisation,
• Real-time monitoring of network performance and problem solving.
Workshop highlights will include the first presentation of a fully
integrated, computerised audio and echo control system, and of LOLA – a
low latency audio/video system experiment on high-bandwidth networks.
The workshop topics will be oriented towards particpants’ needs, in
order to maximise the benefit to users with a non-technical background.
Registration is now open at http://www.garr.it/papws.
A pdf version of this information and the preliminary programme is
available to download from
aconet-b mailing list
aconet-b at lists.univie.ac.at
Monika Mokre wünscht sich ein Kind.
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