+comunity+ e-MobiLArt - Call for artists and scientists

eva schwinger esch at mur.at
Mo Mär 3 10:11:59 CET 2008

European Mobile Lab for Interactive Arts - Call for artists and scientists

European Mobile Lab for Interactive Media Artists (e-MobiLArt) is a  
project tailored around the process of creating collaborative  
interactive installation artworks. Such interactive mediated  
environments may involve the use of multimodal interfaces, ubiquitous  
computing and mobile or locative media technologies. The e-MobiLArt  
project aims to provide selected participants with an ideal context,  
that will allow them to travel, collaborate and exhibit their work.  
During this project, artists and scientists who are active in creating  
interactive media art or pursuing innovative interdisciplinary  
research will have the opportunity to: create interactive installation  
artworks, collaborate with other artists and scientists from different  
countries and get technical support and tuition from experts on using  
innovative technologies for creating interactive art, exhibition  

Artists from all disciplines are encouraged to apply:

interactive installation artists, video artists, visual artists, net  
artists, as well as musicians, choreographers, performance artists and  
others who wish to experiment with the use of the interactive  
technologies. Individuals with a scientific background and the  
willingness to  experiment in a collaborative artistic project, as  
described above, are also eligible.

Deadline for applications: Sunday, March, 16, 2008

More information and the full application form: www.media.uoa.gr/emobilart

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