+comunity+ RFC 4824 on The Transmission of IP Datagrams over the Semaphore Flag Signaling System (SFSS)
Jogi Hofmüller
jogi at mur.at
Mo Apr 2 08:31:44 CEST 2007
----- Forwarded message from rfc-editor at rfc-editor.org -----
A new Request for Comments is now available in online RFC libraries.
RFC 4824
Title: The Transmission of IP Datagrams
over the Semaphore Flag Signaling System
Author: J. Hofmueller, Ed.,
A. Bachmann, Ed.,
IO. zmoelnig, Ed.
Status: Informational
Date: April 2007
Mailbox: ip-sfs at mur.at,
ip-sfs at mur.at,
ip-sfs at mur.at
Pages: 13
Characters: 25521
Updates/Obsoletes/SeeAlso: None
I-D Tag: draft-ip-sfs-rfc-05.txt
URL: http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4824.txt
This document specifies a method for encapsulating and transmitting
IPv4/IPv6 packets over the Semaphore Flag Signal System (SFSS). This memo
provides information for the Internet community.
INFORMATIONAL: This memo provides information for the Internet community.
It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution
of this memo is unlimited.
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The RFC Editor Team
USC/Information Sciences Institute
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IP-SFS at mur.at
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Helmut Kaplan war auch schon mal in Panama. <<< http://plagi.at/geruecht/
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