+comunity+ ........... medien.KUNSTLABOR .. 8020 Graz, Lendkai 1 .........
fx at kunstlabor.at
Mo Nov 13 09:19:18 CET 2006
: medien.KUNSTLABOR :
: Kunsthaus Graz :
: Lendkai 1, 8020 Graz :
: / ++43 (0)316 8017 9229:
:\/____ :
: m.KL :
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:.......... ________________________________http://kunstlabor.at.:
: An alle VJ und Video Interessierte :
Wann: Dienstag, 14.11. 20 Uhr
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: http://lives.sourceforge.net :
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: salsaman (UK) :
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Gabriel Finch (a.k.a. Salsaman) (UK) is a long time free software
supporter and the main developer and instigator of the LiVES project
(http://lives.sourceforge.net). He has been very active in promoting the
use of Free Software and open standards for use in
multimedia, while doing self-supported research into freely available
video frameworks and processing methods. He is also a moderately
succesful video artist and a VJ, using only Free Software tools in his
About LiVES
The LiVES project was begun in 2002 in order to "scratch an itch", and
provide a flexible and easy to use multimedia processing
platform for Free Software users, and also to try to promote open
standards in multimedia work. The first tangible product of LiVES is
the LiVES video editor and VJ tool, which combines elements of both real
time video work and a more structured approach of video
editing in one package.
After 4 years of development, the LiVES software is almost feature
complete for its initial 1.0 release (expected at the end of this
year). The LiVES software does not follow the traditional development
model of an application (design and then coding); rather it has
grown in an organic fashion, and features have been added as they are
needed or suggested, and as the possibilities present
themselves. It contains some novel features, for example, the ability to
record a performance in real time, and then edit that
performance like a traditional video editing layout. During this
development, a number of novel and useful frameworks have been
developed, which will allow for future expansion of LiVES through a
flexible system of plugins, and which could be adapted to other
About the presentation
Salsaman will present the current development version of the LiVES
software, demonstrating some of the features which are already
implemented, both for VJs and for video artists, and describe the work
remaining before the planned 1.0 release. The style will be in
the manner of a very visual walk through of the application, rather than a
more theoretical slide-show. He will also mention the
frameworks which have been created during the software development
process, and how they could be used for other applications.
mfg fx
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