+comunity+ Fwd: Jan van Eyck: Call for Applications
ft at mur.at
ft at mur.at
Do Mär 9 10:37:55 CET 2006
werte comunitarierinnen und comunitarier,
wenn es wen ausser landes treibt: das waer eine gelegenheit, fuer zwei jahre
andere als die lokale luft zu atmen. wen weitere auskuenfte interessieren, mag
sich vertrauensvoll an mich wenden.
dear comunitarians,
if you want to leave from where you are - this would be an opportunity to
breathe another than the usual local air. please contact me if you like further
details on the academy.
Jan van Eyck Academie
Post-academic Institute for Research and Production
Fine Art, Design, Theory
Call for applications
Deadline: 15 April 2006
Artists, designers and theoreticians are invited to submit research and
production proposals to become a researcher at the Jan van Eyck
Academie. Candidates can either apply with a topic of their own or for
a project formulated by the institute itself. In order to realise these
projects, the Jan van Eyck offers the necessary made-to-measure
artistic, technical and auxiliary preconditions.
The Jan van Eyck
Academie is an institute for research and production in the fields of
fine art, design and theory. Every year, 48 international researchers
realise their individual or collective projects in the artistic and
challenging environment that is the Jan van Eyck. The institute is not
led by predetermined leitmotivs. Artists, designers and theoreticians
can submit independently formulated proposals for research and/or
production in the Fine Art, Design and Theory department or candidates
can apply for collective research projects formulated by the Jan van
Eyck (see below). The miscellaneous nature of these research projects
and productions makes the Jan van Eyck into a multi-disciplinary
institute. This also shows in the programme of the institute.
Researchers, departments and the institute organise various weekly
activities, to which special speakers are invited: lectures, seminars,
workshops, screenings, exhibitions, discussions,... External interested
parties are welcome to attend these activities. The result is a
dynamic and critical exchange between the different agents from within
and outside of the Jan van Eyck.
Researchers are advised by a team of artists, designers and
theoreticians who have won their spurs globally. They receive their
own studio and a stipend. Furthermore, researchers can make use of all
kinds of facilities which support their projects from first concept to
public presentation: the library, the documentation centre, various
workshops (wood and other materials; graphic techniques; photography;
digital text and image processing and editing; time-based media) and
the production bureau (assistance with print work, editing and all
other productions, pr and distribution).
Candidates can apply for a department or a collective research project
as listed below. The one- or two-year research period at a department
starts in January 2007. The start and duration of research periods of
collective projects differ.
More information about the application procedure can be found at
For practical questions concerning the application procedure or to
request an information brochure, please contact Leon Westenberg
(leon.westenberg at janvaneyck.nl).
For content-related questions on the Jan van Eyck Academie in general,
its departments or on the collective research projects, please contact
Kim Thehu (kim.thehu at janvaneyck.nl).
Fine Art department
The Fine Art department encourages both personal and discursive
exchange amongst its researchers in order to establish a context of
practice-oriented discussion; a context that considers
issue-orientation alongside other artistic approaches, as well as
being driven by processing, producing, organizing and going public.
Advising researchers: Orla Barry, Aglaia Konrad, John Murphy, Hinrich
More information:
Design department
The Design department focuses on design as research, design as
discourse, design as publishing. It initiates and supports research
projects in the areas of cultural and corporate identity, mapping,
print and new media publishing, urban and regional identity, and book
design. Coming from a focus on graphic and communication design, the
department is widening its scope to include spatial, product and
service design.
Advising researchers: Wim Cuyvers, Will Holder, Jouke Kleerebezem,
Filiep Tacq, Daniël van der Velden
More information:
Theory department
The Theory department offers a stimulating environment for
critical inquiry and intense debate to explore alternative ways of
shaping intellectual horizons. The department welcomes researchers who
pursue their artistic and/or intellectual vision anywhere on the
interface of critical theory, philosophy, aesthetics, and
psychoanalysis with the visual arts.
Advising researchers: Norman Bryson, Sabeth Buchmann, Helmut Draxler,
Stephan Geene, Hanneke Grootenboer, Marc De Kesel
More information:
Collective research projects
Traces of autism. Wander-research in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine
This research project concerns the making of an inventory of
public space in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine, based on journeys made
through the area and following a number of strict parameters. During
the research the inner borders of the Euregio will function as a
reference line and a kind of reading axis. Gypsies, refugees,
migrants, drug addicts can possibly function as indicators, although
other indicators may come to the fore in the Euregio. The emphasis
will be on maps: on the one hand, existing maps will be collected, on
the other, new maps will be developed. During the entire research
period, the French pedagogue Fernand Deligny (1913-1996) will be
considered a supporter, someone who walks in the footsteps of the
researchers, as he did for thirty years: following autistic patients,
without intervention, only registering, not even wanting to 'learn'
Advising researcher: Wim Cuyvers
More information: www.janvaneyck.nl/tracesofautism
Logo Parc. Challenging the aesthetics of economy
Logo Parc is a design research project for
public space. Its main focus of interest is the Zuidas (South Axis) in
Amsterdam; a prestigious area of high-rise office blocks, residential
and cultural facilities on both sides of the A10 motorway. The Zuidas
is considered a new typology of city, dedicated to the symbolic
representation of economy, information, knowledge and mobility.
Logo Parc is driven by a critical interest in the
representation of power and economy; both to deconstruct it, and to
create it. As a machine for comments, ideas and visions for the
Zuidas, the project aims to fuel discussion as well as trigger actual
design issues, operating freely in an area in between architectural,
spatial and communication design.
Logo Parc is a joint project of Jan van Eyck
Academie, Lectoraat Kunst en Publieke Ruimte, Gerrit Rietveld Academy
/ Amsterdam University, and Premsela Dutch Design Foundation.
Advising researcher: Daniël van der Velden
More information:
The tomorrow book
The research project The tomorrow book intends
to query the future of the book from a multi-disciplinary standpoint.
In doing so, the following aspects will be treated: editing,
typography, book design, publishing and distribution. Convinced of the
fact that the book will never cease to exist, The tomorrow
book focuses on the specific qualities of the book as a
medium. The umbrella theme of the project The tomorrow
book is navigation to, within and beyond the book.
The tomorrow book is a joint research project of the
Jan van Eyck Academie and the Charles Nypels Foundation.
Advising researchers: Will Holder, Filiep Tacq
More information: www.charlesnypels.nl/tomorrow.html
The research project and on-line publication platform
UbiScribe researches into the explosive development
of many forms of multi-medial and multi-disciplinary chronicles such
as weblogs, blogs, vlogs and photologs. It focuses on new modes of
authoring and of on-line and off-line publishing, in which networked
information and communication support the conception, production and
distribution of original publishing formats in whatever media. Apart
from stimulating research on personal(ised) publishing (hardware,
software and content), UbiScribe investigates
so-called 'content management systems' and how they are applied in
artistic production.
Advising researcher: Jouke Kleerebezem
More information: www.ubiscribe.net
The pensive image
The pensive image is a research project on
thinking images. This project studies the extent to which images
(painting, photography, cinema etc.) are able to philosophize on the
status of their own representation, and on the nature of vision. The
project is based on the hypothesis that monocular models of vision
such as perspective and the camera have shaped our binocular
perception of the world. Following Hubert Damisch, W.J.T. Mitchell,
among others, The pensive image aims at formulating a
theory as to how images 'think' about vision through a study of images
that 'look back' at us, viewers.
Advising researcher: Hanneke Grootenboer
More information: www.janvaneyck.nl/thepensiveimage
Circle for Lacanian ideology Critique
The Jan van Eyck Circle for Lacanian Ideology Critique (CLiC)
gathers researchers who are interested in Lacanian theory and consider
it an open set of tools that enable researchers to critically consider
contemporary (post-)modern culture. CLiC intends to activate the
psychoanalytical - and especially Lacanian - background of many
current philosophers and critics, such as Agamben, Badiou, Jameson,
Laclau, Mouffe, Negri, Derrida, Nancy, Rancière, Zizek and Zupancic.
Insight into the Lacanian background of these theories is
indispensable to discover the very core of their critical
potentialities, which is why a confrontation with and a reading of the
Lacanian text is one of CLiC's main objectives.
Advising researcher: Marc De Kesel
More information: www.janvaneyck.nl/~clic
Citygraphy. 19th century and 21st century topographic photography in
Citygraphy examines the role of 19th century
photography in the consciousness and perception of the European city
as a historic focal point - a fulcrum subject to the powers of
modernization. Contrasts between urban centres and expanding suburbs,
between handicraft and industrial production, between transport by
water and over land, between conservation and redevelopment, between
restoration as both a form of protection and of rebuilding, between
the interests of residents and those of visitors all determine the
overall politics of life. What role did the visual image play in all
of this, and in particular, what was the role of photography?
The research project Citygraphy is a commission for a
photographer/researcher. The commission concerns the development of a
personal photographic vision of 21st century Maastricht, taking the
19th century city images of Maastricht as a starting point.
Citygraphy is a joint project of the Jan van Eyck
Academie and Hogeschool St. Lukas Brussel and is subsidized by
Stichting Werner Mantz.
Artistic coordinator: Dirk Lauwaert
More information:
Please forward this email to whom it may concern.
To receive the monthly Jan van Eyck newsletter by email (with
news items and information about upcoming events), please mail to:
brief at janvaneyck.nl.
To receive the weekly Jan van Eyck programme by email, please mail to:
week at janvaneyck.nl
Jan van Eyck Academie
Academieplein 1
6211 KM Maastricht
e info at janvaneyck.nl
t +31 (0)43 350 37 37
f +31 (0)43 350 37 99
w www.janvaneyck.nl
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The Jan van Eyck Academie is an institute for research and production
in the fields of fine art, design and theory. Every year, 48
international researchers realise their individual or collective
projects in the artistic and challenging environment that is the Jan
van Eyck. The institute is not led by predetermined leitmotivs.
Artists, designers and theoreticians can submit independently
formulated proposals for research and/or production in the Fine Art,
Design and Theory department or candidates can apply for collective
research projects formulated by the Jan van Eyck (see below). The
miscellaneous nature of these research projects and productions makes
the Jan van Eyck into a multi-disciplinary institute. This also shows
in the programme of the institute. Researchers, departments and the
institute organise various weekly activities, to which special speakers
are invited: lectures, seminars, workshops, screenings, exhibitions,
discussions,? External interested parties are welcome to attend these
activities. The result is a dynamic and critical exchange between the
different agents from within and outside of the Jan van Eyck.
Researchers are advised by a team of artists, designers and
theoreticians who have won their spurs globally. They receive their own
studio and a stipend. Furthermore, researchers can make use of all
kinds of facilities which support their projects from first concept to
public presentation: the library, the documentation centre, various
workshops (wood and other materials; graphic techniques; photography;
digital text and image processing and editing; time-based media) and
the production bureau (assistance with print work, editing and all
other productions, pr and distribution).
Candidates can apply for a department or a collective research project
as listed below. The one- or two-year research period at a department
starts in January 2007. The start and duration of research periods of
collective projects differ.
More information about the application procedure can be found at
For practical questions concerning the application procedure or to
request an information brochure, please contact Leon Westenberg
(leon.westenberg at janvaneyck.nl).
For content-related questions on the Jan van Eyck Academie in general,
its departments or on the collective research projects, please contact
Kim Thehu (kim.thehu at janvaneyck.nl).
Fine Art department
The Fine Art department encourages both personal and discursive
exchange amongst its researchers in order to establish a context of
practice-oriented discussion; a context that considers
issue-orientation alongside other artistic approaches, as well as being
driven by processing, producing, organizing and going public.
Advising researchers: Orla Barry, Aglaia Konrad, John Murphy, Hinrich
More information:
Design department
The Design department focuses on design as research, design as
discourse, design as publishing. It initiates and supports research
projects in the areas of cultural and corporate identity, mapping,
print and new media publishing, urban and regional identity, and book
design. Coming from a focus on graphic and communication design, the
department is widening its scope to include spatial, product and
service design.
Advising researchers: Wim Cuyvers, Will Holder, Jouke Kleerebezem,
Filiep Tacq, Daniël van der Velden
More information:
Theory department
The Theory department offers a stimulating environment for critical
inquiry and intense debate to explore alternative ways of shaping
intellectual horizons. The department welcomes researchers who pursue
their artistic and/or intellectual vision anywhere on the interface of
critical theory, philosophy, aesthetics, and psychoanalysis with the
visual arts.
Advising researchers: Norman Bryson, Sabeth Buchmann, Helmut Draxler,
Stephan Geene, Hanneke Grootenboer, Marc De Kesel
More information:
Collective research projects
Traces of autism. Wander-research in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine
This research project concerns the making of an inventory of public
space in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine, based on journeys made through the
area and following a number of strict parameters. During the research
the inner borders of the Euregio will function as a reference line and
a kind of reading axis. Gypsies, refugees, migrants, drug addicts can
possibly function as indicators, although other indicators may come to
the fore in the Euregio. The emphasis will be on maps: on the one hand,
existing maps will be collected, on the other, new maps will be
developed. During the entire research period, the French pedagogue
Fernand Deligny (1913-1996) will be considered a supporter, someone who
walks in the footsteps of the researchers, as he did for thirty years:
following autistic patients, without intervention, only registering,
not even wanting to ?learn? anything.
Advising researcher: Wim Cuyvers
More information: www.janvaneyck.nl/tracesofautism
Logo Parc. Challenging the aesthetics of economy
Logo Parc is a design research project for public space. Its main focus
of interest is the Zuidas (South Axis) in Amsterdam; a prestigious area
of high-rise office blocks, residential and cultural facilities on both
sides of the A10 motorway. The Zuidas is considered a new typology of
city, dedicated to the symbolic representation of economy, information,
knowledge and mobility. Logo Parc is driven by a critical interest in
the representation of power and economy; both to deconstruct it, and to
create it. As a machine for comments, ideas and visions for the Zuidas,
the project aims to fuel discussion as well as trigger actual design
issues, operating freely in an area in between architectural, spatial
and communication design.
Logo Parc is a joint project of Jan van Eyck Academie, Lectoraat Kunst
en Publieke Ruimte, Gerrit Rietveld Academy / Amsterdam University, and
Premsela Dutch Design Foundation.
Advising researcher: Daniël van der Velden
More information: www.janvaneyck.nl/~logoparc
The tomorrow book
The research project The tomorrow book intends to query the future of
the book from a multi-disciplinary standpoint. In doing so, the
following aspects will be treated: editing, typography, book design,
publishing and distribution. Convinced of the fact that the book will
never cease to exist, The tomorrow book focuses on the specific
qualities of the book as a medium. The umbrella theme of the project
The tomorrow book is navigation to, within and beyond the book.
The tomorrow book is a joint research project of the Jan van Eyck
Academie and the Charles Nypels Foundation.
Advising researchers: Will Holder, Filiep Tacq
More information: www.charlesnypels.nl/tomorrow.html
The research project and on-line publication platform UbiScribe
researches into the explosive development of many forms of multi-medial
and multi-disciplinary chronicles such as weblogs, blogs, vlogs and
photologs. It focuses on new modes of authoring and of on-line and
off-line publishing, in which networked information and communication
support the conception, production and distribution of original
publishing formats in whatever media. Apart from stimulating research
on personal(ised) publishing (hardware, software and content),
UbiScribe investigates so-called ?content management systems? and how
they are applied in artistic production.
Advising researcher: Jouke Kleerebezem
More information: www.ubiscribe.net
The pensive image
The pensive image is a research project on thinking images. This
project studies the extent to which images (painting, photography,
cinema etc.) are able to philosophize on the status of their own
representation, and on the nature of vision. The project is based on
the hypothesis that monocular models of vision such as perspective and
the camera have shaped our binocular perception of the world. Following
Hubert Damisch, W.J.T. Mitchell, among others, The pensive image aims
at formulating a theory as to how images ?think? about vision through a
study of images that ?look back? at us, viewers.
Advising researcher: Hanneke Grootenboer
More information: www.janvaneyck.nl/thepensiveimage
Circle for Lacanian ideology Critique
The Jan van Eyck Circle for Lacanian Ideology Critique (CLiC) gathers
researchers who are interested in Lacanian theory and consider it an
open set of tools that enable researchers to critically consider
contemporary (post-)modern culture. CLiC intends to activate the
psychoanalytical ? and especially Lacanian ? background of many current
philosophers and critics, such as Agamben, Badiou, Jameson, Laclau,
Mouffe, Negri, Derrida, Nancy, Rancière, ?i?ek and Zupancic. Insight
into the Lacanian background of these theories is indispensable to
discover the very core of their critical potentialities, which is why a
confrontation with and a reading of the Lacanian text is one of CLiC?s
main objectives.
Advising researcher: Marc De Kesel
More information: www.janvaneyck.nl/~clic
Citygraphy. 19th century and 21st century topographic photography in
Citygraphy examines the role of 19th century photography in the
consciousness and perception of the European city as a historic focal
point ? a fulcrum subject to the powers of modernization. Contrasts
between urban centres and expanding suburbs, between handicraft and
industrial production, between transport by water and over land,
between conservation and redevelopment, between restoration as both a
form of protection and of rebuilding, between the interests of
residents and those of visitors all determine the overall politics of
life. What role did the visual image play in all of this, and in
particular, what was the role of photography?
The research project Citygraphy is a commission for a
photographer/researcher. The commission concerns the development of a
personal photographic vision of 21st century Maastricht, taking the
19th century city images of Maastricht as a starting point.
Citygraphy is a joint project of the Jan van Eyck Academie and
Hogeschool St. Lukas Brussel and is subsidized by Stichting Werner
Artistic coordinator: Dirk Lauwaert
More information: www.janvaneyck.nl/citygraphy
Please forward this email to whom it may concern.
To receive the monthly Jan van Eyck newsletter by email (with news
items and information about upcoming events), please mail to:
brief at janvaneyck.nl.
To receive the weekly Jan van Eyck programme by email, please mail to:
week at janvaneyck.nl
Jan van Eyck Academie
Academieplein 1
6211 KM Maastricht
e info at janvaneyck.nl
t +31 (0)43 350 37 37
f +31 (0)43 350 37 99
w www.janvaneyck.nl
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