+comunity+ zu eurer Info >>> Download free Mideast peace posters
sandra at mur.at
sandra at mur.at
Fr Aug 4 03:40:51 CEST 2006
----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von info at jewishvoiceforpeace.org -----
Datum: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 21:12:51 -0400 (EDT)
Von: Jewish Voice for Peace <info at jewishvoiceforpeace.org>
Antwort an: info at jewishvoiceforpeace.org
Betreff: Download free Mideast peace posters
Dear Sandra,
We asked Lekas Miller Design, a creative firm that does wonderful pro bono work
for us, to quickly turn over some simple posters that anyone could download and
print on a home computer.
Download posters here: http://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/publish/posters.shtml
We know how upset you are about what's happening in Lebanon, Gaza and Israel
right now. We all are. Here is something simple but effective that you can do.
Download one or all of the posters on
this page, including the ad that over 6,000 people have signed in just 1 week!
Put one or all of them up at school, at work, at your place of worship or even
in your window at home.
Make the invisible, visible. Show the world that Jews and our allies oppose the
madness in the Middle East.
Jewish Voice for Peace
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