+comunity+ Fwd: ART CENTER NEEDS HELP! Please also forward
evelin stermitz
es at mur.at
So Apr 23 20:17:17 CEST 2006
Vielleicht kann auch jemand von Euch helfen,
--evelin stermitz--
----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von info at artcenter-slovenia.org -----
Datum: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 16:43:08 +0200
Von: Art Center <info at artcenter-slovenia.org>
Antwort an: Art Center <info at artcenter-slovenia.org>
Betreff: ART CENTER NEEDS HELP! Please also forward
*Dear friends of Art center*
Art Center - Institute for Culture, Art and Development was an
initiative of the Onej association. With the purpose of becoming an
innovative space for the creation and exchange of ideas in the fields of
art, culture and development and to become a space for free creativity
and a generator of developmental projects. Functioning and development
of Art center started in year 2000, when the association Onej, with
financial support of the European Commisson, executed the founding of
Art Center.
>From that time on until the present, in spite of periodic media pogroms,
we have been creating, cooperating and networking with individuals and
organizations nationwide and abroad, we have been extending the building
facilities and continuing to develop.
Regrettably, recently we are witnessing groundless and constructed
attacks on the team who are running Art Center and developing it's
potential from it's foundation and onwards.The aim of these attacks is
to drive out the working team of Art center and to seize it's assets,
created by the Onej association.
The initiators of the attacks are functionaries of the local
municipalities Moravske Toplice and S(alovci, co-founders of Art Center;
the mayor of Moravske Toplice Franc Cipot and the member of the council
Tibor Vörös( in particular.
In response to the media attacks we have organized a series of weekly
interviews about Art Center on local station TvAs. We are also trying to
put facts about goings-on in Art Center through medias nationwide. These
steps alone are not enough to ward of the attacks and to regain the
undisturbed working conditions.
So we are turning to you with a kind request.
We are gathering letters of support to be sent to the Ministry of
Culture, municipality of Moravske Toplice, Natural Park Goric(ko, the
Onej Association and Art Center, together with a request, respectively
demanding for the municipality of Moravske Toplice to stop obstructing
the functioning of Art Center and it's team. As a cooperative
organisation or individual, you have had personal experience with Art
Center. A short letter from you or your organisation (even if it is
just one or two sentences mentioning your experiences and opinion
connected with Art Center and it's team) will help us to resolve the
On Friday, 21. of April, whilst hosting 26 pupils from the Artistic
Gymnasium of Celje, we received a court order to empty and leave the Art
Center within 24 hours.
Obviously, we need your support as soon as possible.
If you decide to help us (the working team of Art Center and Association
Onej), please send your letter via email to following adresses:
onej at siol.net <mailto:onej at siol.net>,
info at artcenter-slovenia.org <mailto:info at artcenter-slovenia.org>,
obcina at moravske-toplice.si <mailto:obcina at moravske-toplice.si>, - (FAO
Mayor Mr. Franc Cipot)
park.goricko at guest.arnes.si <mailto:park.goricko at guest.arnes.si>, - (FAO
Director Mr. Janko Halb)
vasko.simoniti at gov.si <mailto:vasko.simoniti at gov.si>, gp.mk at gov.si
<mailto:gp.mk at gov.si>, - (Minister Mr. Vasko Simoniti)
or via post to these adresses:
ONEJ, p.p.197, 9000 Murska Sobota
Obc(ina Moravske Toplice, Kranjc(eva 3, 9226 Moravske Toplice, Slovenia
or by fax 00386 2 538 15 02
g. Janko Halb, KP Goric(ko, Grad 191, 9264 Grad, Slovenia
or by fax: 00 386 2 551 88 69
Ministrstvo za kulturo, minister g. Vasko Simoniti, Maistrova 10, 1000
Ljubljana, Slovenia or by fax 00 386 1 369 59 01
Thank you very much for your support!
The team of Art Center and Onej - Association of Prekmurje Initiative
Tomaz( Trplan, Sociology graduate - active manager
Zdravko Pravdic' - art and culture organizer and producer - programme
Vita Z(gur, artist, Fine Art degree student, winner of Pres(eren Student
Award - artistic manager
Julij Bors(tnik, artist, Fine Art degree student, winner of
international award for young artists Essl award, winner of Pres(eren
Student Award - volunteer
Maurits Bartstra, Film Theory graduate - European Voluntary Service
Helen Terry, 3D Design graduate - European Voluntary Service volunteer
and the other members of the Onej Association
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