+comunity+ Re: Willkommen bei der "comunity" Mailingliste
Jogi Hofmüller
jogi at mur.at
Mi Sep 21 15:49:12 CEST 2005
Hi all!
* Ales Zemene <ales at mur.at> [2005-09-20 21:05]:
> how many of members mur.at is using mutt as mail client, and if would be
> worthed to start forum with well known topics : how to set it up,
> configure, tips&tricks ... etc - probably somewhere on new wiki.
A rough guess sugests less than 20 people using mutt here (which is a
crying shame I must say) :)
What kind of forum where you thinking about?
* cloed baumgartner <cloed at hornet.mur.at> [2005-09-21 10:06]:
> i dont like mutt. i use pine.
That is brave ;) I guess I made a mistake when I showed you mutt last
weekend, because otherwise you would say 'I love using mutt' now ;)
I can only recomend mutt for all those who know how to work with
command-line tools. Coming from pine you have to get used to it, but
once you find out about all the nifty things you will never ever want to
go back to pine. I you don't beleive me, try to answer to TWO (or more)
emails in one message in pine. Or look for a featyre called
'list-reply' in pine.
The new (imp4) webmail interface is a lot better than pine too, but
still not as good as mutt :)
Just my personal point of view ...
Jogi Hofmueller |*| ICQ: 284632332
|*| key id: B972CEC1
|*| random.sks.keyserver.penguin.de
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