+comunity+ Fwd: [faces] VJTheory book - Call for participation
evelin stermitz
es at mur.at
Di Sep 20 20:26:36 CEST 2005
----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von ana.carvalho at diaries-book.org -----
Datum: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 17:11:31 +0100
Von: ana.carvalho at diaries-book.org
Antwort an: ana.carvalho at diaries-book.org
Betreff: [faces] VJTheory book - Call for participation
VJ Theory
Philosophy and cultural theory of vjing and realtime interaction
Keywords; narrative, philosophy, psychoanalysis, cultural theory, ephemeral,
performance, technology, aesthetics, politics, ethics, realtime processing,
collaboration, integrating media.
During AVIT UK 05 there was a fantastic level of debate based on both the theory
and practice of VJing and realtime interactive installations and the questions
those practices rise.
Paul and Lara have been organizing Narrative Lab, a program of lectures,
screenings, performances and projects as a major strand since of AVITUK since
2003. The group has been seeking to encourage debate, spark new work arising
from theory and facilitate collaboration examining the territories of
narrative. Over the last two years the narrative Lab has hosted lectures on
hypertextuality, meta narratives, psychogeography, screen aesthetics,
structuralism, process methodologies and various production techniques.
These theoretical debates have now expanded across many of the other sessions.
What became apparent was the lack of written texts which attempt to deal with
these questions which involves everybody's practice.
With this in mind we propose to gather a collection of articles and essays which
begins to deal with these new media debates.
We see this volume as paralleling the early anthologies of film criticism, such
as 'Movies and Methods' by Bill Nichols, containing a broad range of analytical
perspectives relating to the new medium.
This is an invitation to submit a short synopsis, propose an article or ideas to
be published as a book.
Please send it to the following e-mail address:
vjtheory at yahoo.co.uk
Here are some suggested areas, please feel free to suggest your own:
1- Narrative and hyper narrative
+ The cultural position of narrative
+ Meaning in narrative
+ Narrative Structures
+ New narrative
+ Cognitive process and discourse\Narrative Practice
2- Ethics
+ Copyright and "copyleft" (the creative commons open source software and gnu
+ Cross cultural appropriation of imagery themes and content (sources for video
and other visual assets and it's relation to the social)
+ Commercial sponsorship and market flooding
3- Real time processing and the problem of the "now"
+ Problem of the 'real' and the problem of the "now"
+ Internet realtime data
4- Collaboration and rhizomic relations
+ Vj <> Dj/ Network collaborations
5- Philosophical and cultural perspectives including
+ Phenomenology
+ Language and the body
+ Schizoanalysis
+ Semiology
+ Feminist analysis
+ Deleuzian movement\Image Habermas and the relationships with cinema and
6- Interaction
+ Public/ work interaction (how much should the interaction be apparent to the
user of an installation for example)
+ Vj <> interaction
7- Software
+ Open source and proprietary software
+ Latest software developments and software in development
+ Software and ideas led production of work
8- Aesthetics
+ Moving wallpaper
+ The problem of the formal time/movement image
+ Control and the dispersal of control
+ Crafting the image and its relations
+ Abstract animation (e.g. Oscar Fischinger, Len Lye) and it's relation to
reactive 3D modeling.
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