+comunity+ Konzert:SON OF THE VELVET RAT/G. Altziebler
velvet at mur.at
velvet at mur.at
So Mär 13 10:12:27 CET 2005
Heute, Sonntag, den 13.März spielt SOTVR (Georg Altziebler, diesmal mit Band:
Albrecht Klinger, bass, Bernhard Wimmer, drums, Heike Binder, b-voc) bei
SUNDAYs LIVE im Three Monkeys in Graz.
Sonntag| 13.03.2005 | 21.00 Uhr | Three Monkeys|
Elisabethstraße 31 |8010 Graz | +43 316 319810
Amerikanische und österreichische Pressestimmen:
"... Grandiose Klangfarben-Aquarelle ... frei von künstlichen Tränen und
Larmoyanz ... Liebeserklärungen von einem, der weiß, dass die Einsamkeit am
allerlängsten währt." (W. Krause, Kleine Zeitung, Graz, Jänner 2004)
"...auf den Endzweck reduziert: Melancholie." (Martin Behr, Salzburger
Nachrichten, Salzburg, Jänner 2004)
"Gänsehautgarantie ... Wie wir wissen, schneit es manchmal ja auch im April.."
(Andreas Russ, Kurier, März 2004)"
"...atmosphärische, bisweilen hochgradig rührende Songsammlung in plüschigem
Dunkelgrau" (Gerhard Stöger, Falter, Wien, März 2004)
"Songs als schmächtige Gebilde, die sich um eine fragile Singstimme ranken und
mit elegischer Grazie unter die Haut schleichen." (Robert Buchschwenter, Die
Presse; April 2004)
"... Austria's Son of the Velvet Rat is in fact a solo project cracked from the
scary-smart brain of songwriter Georg Altziebler. The music here burns so
slowly that you'll blacken your thumbs just plucking the disc from its tray. By
My Side is full of gorgeously minimal torch songs and noodling dirges ..."
(Mike Baker, Splendid, May 2004)
"Few albums focused on loneliness and lost love have hit as accurately with the
immediacy of Son of the Velvet Rat’s By My Side. Altziebler has crafted a warm
LP of gritty songs about life’s worries and darkest hours. His words, his
melodies, his voice all complement one another and simultaneously welcome
listeners into his world while soothing their emotional scars. By My Side is
not a collection of depressing singles; rather, it’s a fluid, cathartic, aural
masterpiece." (Sahar Oz, Delusions of Adequacy, Picks of the week, NY, June
"The vocalist carries on the tradition of Leonhard Cohen as filtered through the
modern sensibilities of Tindersticks' Stuart Staples – all moody mumbles and
heart-wrenching poetry..." (Listen.com, RewiewXII/2001)
"Son of the velvet rat reach back to ... the bottomless pain of Leonard Cohen
and the mordant reflection of Tindersticks … there's some dark majesty at work
here." (logo magazine, UK, April 2004)
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