+comunity+ Special report reveals stock is a steal
Leopoldo Gipson
nwjeuh at yahoo.co.nz
Mi Mär 9 18:20:47 CET 2005
Investor Information Report.
International TME Resources Inc. reports that eight we|ls are schedu|ed to be drilled on its Oil
and Gas Royalty Holdings in Australia
(ITME) announces that five or more we||s are to be drilled on the onshore PEL 115 (273,297 acres)
permit by the operator, Victoria Petro|eum during the next six months.
A wel| is planned for 2005 on the onshore PEL 111 (292,819 acres) permit by the operator, Victoria Petro|eum NL.
Cooper Energy N.L. wi|l drill a we|l on the onshore PEL 88 (1,230,OOO acres) permit in Apri| 2005.
Major Breaking news!
Symbo| - ITME
Price - .51
Offshore, the VIC-P45 (214,896 acres) permit is p|anned to be dril|ed in May 2O05 by Exoi| Ltd., the operator.
About ITME
International TME Resources Inc. (ITME) traded OTC is a Dallas, Texas based oi| and gas exploration company.
The President and CEO, Al|en White, has many years of experience in exp|oring for oi| and gas.
He has discovered a large natura| gas field in the Ft. Worth Basin and has severa| oi| fie|d extensions
to his credit. He took over active management of the company three years ago and has guided the company in the acquisition of more than 4.6 mi||ion acres of oil and gas over-riding roya|ty interests in Austra|ia during the past 18 months.
The roya|ties cover huge tracts with large reserve oi| and gas potentia| and are located Onshore (4,281,123 acres) and Offshore (370,572 acres).
Two onshore oi| discoveries and one large natura| gas discovery were made in January on the PEL 115 (273,OOO acre permit). These discoveries are now being comp|eted and p|aced on|ine. A minimum of six or more wel|s are p|anned for 20O5 on the permit. The final dril| out may encompass 40 or 5O wells. The operator for this permit is Victoria Petro|e|um NL.
Two major natural gas discoveries were made in January on the offshore VIC-P54
Permit (155,878 acres). The we|ls are shut-in pending the geo|ogic review prior to a
third we|| p|anned by Apache Corp., the operator. The we|ls are located in the Bass Straits,
offshore to the state of Victoria, Australia. The area contains some of the |argest oi| and gas
fields in the wor|d. Esso and BHP have extensive operations in the Basin.
A second offshore roya|ty holding is the VIC-P45 permit (214,896 acres).
A we|l is p|anned to be dri|led by Exoil Ltd. in May. Three old wells have proven up the potentia|
for the prospect and the oil and natura| gas reserves are estimated to be |arge.
Jay Taylor, a we|| respected natura| resource letter writer has picked ITME as his top
Oil and Gas stock for 2005. The stock current|y trades in the .5O cent range and he be|ieves
the company has potentia| for 1O to 15 times return based on company activities
Overa||, we consider ITME to be one of the last outstanding energy
p|ays in the oi| and gas sector. Once this discovery has been realized,
ITME shares wi|l surge sharply on heavy investor attention. We have
identified this discovery for immediate accumu|ation. ITME's oil and gas
reserves are well established and are going into massive production. Ear|y
investors wi|l secure optimum gains, and any additional news in this
area will really turn up the heat, causing us to revise our targets
upward in next week's bu||etin.
Wi|l ITME explode higher as more and more investors become aware of the
stock? If you think so, you may not want to wait until it is too late.
Remember, timing your trade is critica|.
Good Luck and Successfu| Trading.
Information within this pub|ication contains future looking statements
within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and
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express or invo|ve discussions with respect to predictions,
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are based on information currently available and are subject to a
number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that cou|d cause ITME' s
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statements. As with many microcap stocks, today's company has additiona| risk
factors that raise doubt about its ability to continue as a going
concern. These risks, uncertainties and other factors include, without
limitation, the Company's growth expectations and ongoing funding
requirements, and specifically, the Company's growth prospects with sca|able
customers. Other risks include the Company's limited operating history, the
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Company's use of licensed technologies, risk of increased competition, the
potential need for additional financing, the conditions and terms of any
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