+comunity+ mittwoch im nil
ursprung at mur.at
So Sep 26 17:46:16 CEST 2004
Dreihackengasse 42, 8020 Graz
email: nil at mur.at
mittwoch 29. september 20.00 uhr vernissage:
Paula Miklosevic (Beograd) - Ideal Place
fotoausstellung bis 31. 10. 2004.
öffnungszeiten: mo - fr 9:00 - 16:30; do - so 17:00 - 22:00 uhr
The Ideal Place is a project which deals with the Utopean construct of an
idyllic state of happiness. During her residency in Graz in July 2004, Paula
Miklosevic worked out a series of photographs and interviews with young
african refugees between 17 and 35 years of age, who work at, or use the
facilities of the artspace N I L.
This work is part of a series of interviews Miklosevic started with young
people, who were born and live in different countries of Eastern Europe
(Moldova, Romania, Macedonia, Ukraine, Serbia and Montenegro,...). All these
countries underwent a long period of socialist government, which in most
texts on Utopias (from Thomas Moore and Campanella to modern writers) has
been imagined and prescribed as an ideal system. Yet, these young people
live in a post-communist era, in a time of globalisation and their countries
are going through major political and economic changes and the memory of the
past systems is still problematic. To the Africans in Graz, Austria is the
³promised land². Are they really happy here, or are they still longing for a
better place?
Since Utopia is always based on the principle of equality, where individual
desires and dreams are suppressed in the name of the general good,
Miklosevic approaches the problem from an opposite standpoint. Instead of
constructing global theories, she stopped ordinary people in the street and
asked them what their personal idea of the ideal place is.
All the people were interviewed in natural surroundings (parks, fields,
woods, countryside) to avoid any direct social context. They stated their
name, age, and the city and country they come from, before describing in a
few sentences their imagined ideal place. The general idea of this project
is to compare different projections of Utopia based on the individual
experiences and personal desires of young people coming from Eastern Europe.
Wir danken: Stadt Graz Kultur, Referat für Jugend, Familie, Frauen und
Soziales der Stadt Graz, Land Steiermark Kultur, Land Steiermark Referat
Jugend, BKA Kunst, mur.at, Fritz Langmann.
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