+comunity+ Fwd: [ANAR.wien] International Conference 'Media and Xenophobia'

chiala at mur.at chiala at mur.at
Sa Mär 20 11:02:33 CET 2004

----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von info at eyfa.org -----
    Datum: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 18:28:43 +0100
    Von: info at eyfa.org
Antwort an: info at eyfa.org
 Betreff: [ANAR.wien] International Conference 'Media and Xenophobia'
      An: anar.wien at no-racism.net, raw at raw.at, webmaster at antifa.net, 
graffiti at jeugdwerknet.be, lavoixdesfemmes at skynet.be, info at radiorobinhood.fi, 
mog at club-internet.fr, humanrights.info at coe.int, hrv6 at yahoo.com, 
mgr at debitel.net, nadir at mail.nadir.org, enquiries at anl.or

-------------------- PLEASE, CIRCULATE AROUND ---------------

International conference in Tabor, Czech Republic on 18th - 23rd 
May 2004.

The purpose of this international meeting in Tabor is to find 
practical ways of co-operation between people involved in 
alternative media and active in anti-racist and anti-discrimination 
issues all around Europe. We want not only to exchange 
information about the situation in our
regions, but to initiate an exchange project of media activists 
working on anti-xenophobia issues in Western, Central/Eastern 
Europe and ex-USSR countries.

The participants of the meeting are theorists and activists working 
with media on xenophobia issues, interested to exchange the 
information, skills and experience and work together against all 
forms of xenophobia. The particular focus of the meeting is CEE 
and CIS countries. The working languages: English, Russian, 

If you have relation to media and are interested to create an 
effective link for mutual support, co-operation and exchange of 
ideas and resources to fight xenophobia and discrimination in 
Europe, you are welcome to take part in the meeting.
Please find the application form at:  http://www.eyfa.org/Tabor-May 
and send  it to: <meetings at eyfa.org>

The deadline for applications is 1st of April!

Organisers: EYFA (European Youth for Action www.eyfa.org), 
organisation "Information and Publishing Centre- Alarm!!!", CESTA 
(Tabor) - http://www.cesta.cz/, Belarussian magazine "Antyfashyk" 

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