+comunity+ SUB_DC
michael at algo.mur.at
Mo Nov 10 18:00:46 CET 2003
hello out there,
~this is reMI speaking~
the soundsculpture SUB/DC will be presented at the opening of the festival
musikprotokoll 03
coming thursday
hope to see you there
13.11.2003, 19:00
[location: medienturm Großmarktstraße 8b, 8020 Graz, Austria]
greetings reMI
SUB/DC: A former water purification silo of the slaughter-house Graz, about
ten meters high with a diameter of four meters is converted to a subwoofer.
This sculpture enables the reception of the composition SUB/DC (Subwoofer,
Direct Current). Deep frequency conditions, frequency hopping, blast waves
are made audible or palpable as composition.
The sub-cylinder and the composition SUB/DC are an in its means consciously
reduced but decidedly made statement: for continuous ideational and
technical utilization and extension of the art space, for the experiment as
indispensable driving force of advanced art, and not
least for the (sub)-cultural paradox of an experimental field rich in
tradition, for the musikprotokoll. It is the audio-visual component of the
work SUB/DC, that completes the current programmatical focus of Medienturm
Eine Auftragsarbeit des musikprotokoll in Kooperation mit dem Medienturm und
der Freien Kunstszene Graz.
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