+comunity+ Fw: 7th and 8th day of the ccworklab
michael at algo.mur.at
Di Mär 4 09:08:36 CET 2003
Worklab: Open Source and Multimedia Tools
today and tomorrow 14.00 - 20.00 Thomas Musil is exploring with us PD, some externals and
his resent Libs.
Winfried Ritsch will work on the installation of the alsa driver for the hammerfall dsp
multiface under linux . . .
hope to see you there . . .
PD [Pure Data] and GEM [Graphics Environment for Multimedia]
25.02. - 10.03.2003
Ort: CC - CompetenzCentrum, Jakoministraße 16, A-8010 Graz
(you have to walk up in the second floor!)
Kooperation: CC/mur.at, ESC, Medienturm Graz
Anmeldung: remi at algo.mur.at bzw office at medienturm.at
Projektleitung: Michael Pinter
Referenten: Thomas Grill, Thomas Musil, Winfried Ritsch, Ludwig Zeininger, IOhannes M Zmölnig
Artists in Residence (AIR04): Derek Holzer, Bas van Koolwijk
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