+comunity+ 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th day
michael at algo.mur.at
Fr Feb 28 09:19:02 CET 2003
Worklab: Open Source and Multimedia Tools
today 14.00 - 20.00 Ludwig Zeininger is exploring with us virtual-real-networks under PD and GEM
20.00 performance from elekro in stadtpark forum
saturday, sunday and monday 14.00 - 20.00 with IOhannes M Zmölnig we will work on different
artprojects with GEM and ZEXY
Winfried Ritsch will work on the installation of the alsa driver for the hammerfall dsp
multiface under linux . . .
hope to see you there . . .
PD [Pure Data] and GEM [Graphics Environment for Multimedia]
25.02. - 10.03.2003
Ort: CC - CompetenzCentrum, Jakoministraße 16, A-8010 Graz
(you have to walk up in the second floor!)
Kooperation: CC/mur.at, ESC, Medienturm Graz
Anmeldung: remi at algo.mur.at bzw office at medienturm.at
Projektleitung: Michael Pinter
Referenten: Thomas Grill, Thomas Musil, Winfried Ritsch, Ludwig Zeininger, IOhannes M Zmölnig
Artists in Residence (AIR04): Derek Holzer, Bas van Koolwijk
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