+comunity+ medialounge
Reinhard Braun
braun at mur.at
Fr Sep 28 20:59:14 CEST 2001
vielleicht was fuer mur.at/comunity/"promotion"-department?
From: "geert lovink" <geert at xs4all.nl>
Subject: call to update the medialounge database
From: "Cathy Brickwood" <cathy at virtueelplatform.nl
The Medialounge is an online database representing a network of cultural new
media institutes, individuals and organisations.
The current version was developed and designed by the Waag Society for Old
and New Media, and is a low end, more accessible version of the Hybrid Media
Lounge set up in early 1999.
The database is linked to the new ECB (European Cultural Backbone)
website (www.e-c-b.net). The European Cultural Backbone was set up in
1999 as a coalition of institutions and individuals who work in the
field of new technologies and who creatively use and develop
participatory media for social change. Its membership reflects the
geographical, social and cultural diversity of Europe, including
non-EU-Member States and partners in other continents.
*Many of you may have already joined the Medialounge, but may need to
update your info.
*We'd like the medialounge to be as comprehensive and diverse as
possible so please pass this message on to new initiatives.
To join the medialounge go to www.medialounge.net
MiDiHy productions
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A-8020 Graz
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