+comunity+ cast01: Living in Mixed Realities / Submission Deadline May 31, 2001 (fwd)
mag. ute angeringer
ute at angeringer.com
Fr Mai 18 13:30:38 CEST 2001
hi all,
leite diesen call for entries weiter, klingt sehr spannend...
ute angeringer
graz / austria
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 12:16:39 +0200
From: cast01 at netzspannung.org
To: ute at angeringer.com
Subject: cast01: Living in Mixed Realities / Submission Deadline May 31, 2001
CALL FOR ENTRIES / deadline for submission: May 31, 2001
We invite you to participate in the cast01 conference on intersections
of artistic, cultural, technological and scientific issues of:
cast01 Conference on Communication of Art, Science and Technology
September 21-22, 2001 / GMD - Schloss Birlinghoven, Sankt Augustin /
Bonn, Germany
cast01 invites submissions of innovative research, media art practise
and theory. We are looking for ground breaking media art and inspiring
research projects on topics like: Semantic Web, Mixed Reality, Advanced
Interfaces and Future Media Spaces that symbolise the influence of
information technology on patterns of life and work in a networked
Proposed contributions (english or german) may be in the form of
research papers or artistic presentations as well as blueprints and
posters of developing concepts. Researchers, artists, theorists,
practitioners and entrepreneurs are encouraged to submit
interdisciplinary projects and critical reflections on the merging
of the virtual and the real.
* Agents and Narrative Intelligence
* Artistic Productions / Mixed Reality Architecture
* Awareness, Memory Space and Knowledge Discovery
* Cultural Archives
* Distributed Systems and Parallel Architectures for the Web
* Hypermedia Formats (XML, VRML, MPEG-4, MPEG-7)
* Interactive TV
* Mixed Reality Environments
* Performative Interfaces
* Tracking, Tracing, Vision Systems
Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2001
Camera-ready papers: July 15, 2001
Early registration deadline: July 31, 2001 (reduced price)
PROCEEDINGS: Accepted papers and blueprints will be published in the
Conference proceedings. A special issue of netzspannung.org journal of
Art, Design and Innovation Research will be published with cast01
conference best papers.
BEST PAPER AWARD: The best paper, artistic presentation, blueprint /
poster and student presentation will be honored with the cast01 award.
e-mail: cast01 at netzspannung.org
cast01 is organised by netzspannung.org and by the GMD - German National
Research Center for Information Technology. It is supported by the
German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (bmb+f) and by the
European Commission. It is hosted by MARS Exploratory Media Lab:
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