+comunity+ (Xchange) call for proposal (fwd)
ft at mur.at
Do Mär 8 23:05:54 CET 2001
fuer die bastlerinnen und bastler unter uns
-----Original Message-----
From: Claudine
To: xchange at re-lab.net
Sent: 3/7/01 5:41 PM
Subject: (Xchange) call for proposal
Avatar and its new media lab, Le Nom de la Chose, is inviting proposals
for the creation of Le Resonateur, a cubic object that will interface with
the web. The object with precises specifications (for which detailed
technical follow) will react to inputs of an interface accessible through
an internet connection.
Le Resonateur is a mecanism activated by the manipulation of an internet
It could have its own activity influenced by the received parameters
It could gather data from the space where it is located
It could transfer data gathered from the space
It could move, broadcast, ring, vibrate,... resonate.
It should be contained in a cubic space
It should be connected to an electronic controler
It should be controled by an interface accessible through the internet
(interface designed by our team)
It should include one or more mechanical or electronic mecanisms
Technical specifications
A cube with maximum dimensions of 30 cm X 30 cm X 30 cm
8 analog inputs
8 analog outputs
10 digital inputs
2 pulse width modulation inputs
1 video input
1 video output
1 audio input
1 audio output
Note: These indications are the MAXIMUM limits of possible connections.
It is not necessay to use them all.
Deadline for the submission of proposals is April 1st, 2001.
Production costs and honorarium offered.
Emile Morin
La.chose at meduse.org
Avatar is an artist run center dedicated to audio art and electronic
Avatar / OHM éditions
Le Nom de la Chose
541 St-Vallier Est, suite 562
Québec, QC, G1K 3P9, Canada
T + 418.522.8918
F + 418.522.6412
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