+comunity+ web/audio xpert wanted
Norbert Math
n at alien.mur.at
Do Dez 20 13:54:17 CET 2001
die audiokuenstler szely/cargneli suchen eine
person, die ihnen beim setup (programmieren und aufbau)
einer klanginstallation behilflich ist.
es geht darum, dass diese installation
via midi von webbrowsern aus beeinflusst wird.
ich schaetze das ganze koennte leicht realisiert werden
mit einem skript das das logfile ausliest, parst und
daraus midi daten schickt.
bei interesse bitte mail an mich und/oder peszely at yahoo.com
> hi norbert!
> thanx a lot, für deinen blick auf die sache.
>es geht um eine net to midi translation und einem web
>setup mit einem audio-livestreaming und einer webcam
>die aus einem blickwinkel die installation visuell
>ins netz bringt. im folgenden eine beschreibung des
>vorhabens. ein buget ist vorhaden, es ist aber klein.
>es wäre sicher,um die dinge vorort zu installieren,
>ein aufenthalt in maribor notwendig.fahrt wird bezahlt
>und für unterbringung gesorgt.
>ach ja: es handelt sich um eine installation im
>medienzentrum kibla in maribor, slovenien vom
>danke tausend mal alles liebe
> Net to Midi Translation
> Purpose: translation of user actions on specially
> prepared websites to midi messages
> The sound installation in Maribor will be connected
> to
> the internet by the "net to midi" interface
> The installations sound processing software is
> externally controlable trough midi - events. These
> events will be triggered by users who browse through
> the "music sound noise"-website, where the project
> will be presented within one issue.
> The URL is:
> The html-documents about the project, or maybe even
> the whole issue, will contain special "markers"
> which
> will allow to track the users movements through the
> site and thereby provide information suitable to be
> translated into midi - messages. These messages will
> eventually change certain settings within the
> installations sound processing software. In this
> sense, the users movement through the website will
> control the installation interactively.
> Possible Realization:
> The "markers" of the html-documents will be
> image-files, which are so small that they won´t be
> seen by the user. Their purpose is to log user´s
> movements between html-documents. Each time a
> different document is loaded from ebrs web-server,
> another corresponding image-file will be downloaded
> from a special web server, which will reside on a
> machine in maribor. This web server will log which
> image file was downloaded and send a message to the
> translation software, which will prepare a
> corresponding midi-event and send it to the sound
> processing software.
> The installation in Maribor will use two computers,
> one running the special web server, the other one
> running the midi translation and the sound
> processing
> software. The web server machine is connected to the
> internet, listening on a predefined port for
> incoming
> image requests and , additionally, connected to the
> midi & sound processing machine through local
> ethernet.
> Necessary steps >
> 1)
> Html-documents of the ebr-issue need to be modified
> by
> inserting a html-tag containing the link to the
> hidden
> image files on the special web server. To achieve
> this, the url & portnumber of the special web server
> has to be known.
> 2)
> development of the web server
> 3)
> mapping of midi contollers to modules in the sound
> processing software, the mapping has to be known
> prior
> to development of the midi translation software. (e.
> G
> controller 21 maps to delay nr. 1 feedback
> parameter,
> controller 22 to delay nr. 1 dry-wet ratio etc. )
> 4)
> development of the midi translation software. The
> software will be designed to be a general
> translation
> tool, covering the whole range of midi events
> (without
> sysex messages) . Additionally, this software
> implements some "translation logic", which provides
> certain series of midi events to be processed
> dependend on the users movements (e. G.: increment
> parameter setting by predefined amount, etc.)
> the following dependencies arise:
> a) to modify the ebr-webpages, the ip-address and
> portnumber of the special web server in maribor have
> to be known.
> b) To implement the "translation logic" part of the
> midi translation software, the controller to module
> mapping of the sound processing software has to be
> The whole package includes development of the
> special
> web server and the midi-translation software & setup
> and support during the exhibition.
> The attachment is a simple scheme :
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