[Backstage-list] CfP Tracing the New Mobilities Regimes

Michael Zinganel zinganel at mur.at
Di Jan 15 23:00:50 CET 2008

Von:  Sven Kesselring <sven.kesselring at cosmobilities.net>
<mailto:sven.kesselring at cosmobilities.net>
Antwort an:  mailinglist at cosmobilities.net

Dear all,

the Cosmobilities 
Conference 2008 will take place on October 17 and 18 in Munich at the Academ
y of Fine Arts.
It is organized by the Cosmobilities Network, in cooperation with the
Technische Universität München (departments of sociology and transportation
studies) and the Munich Academy of Fine Arts.
The conference is entitled as

Tracing the New Mobilities Regimes
The analytical power of the social sciences and the arts

The call for papers is open now and attached to this email.
Please, circulate it widely and feel warmely encouraged to attend the confer
ence and to give papers and to discuss with us.

Details for the conference will be published at www.cosmobilities.net
<http://www.cosmobilities.net>  asap.

My very best wishes,



Dr. Sven Kesselring
Cosmobilities Network
Technische Universität München
Lothstr. 17
D-80335 München
tel. +49.89.289 24259
fax  +49.89.289 24302
web:  www.cosmobilities.net <http://www.cosmobilities.net>
homepage:  www.wi.tum.de/sociology/team/kesselring/index_html
new project: http://www.wi.tum.de/sociology/research/more

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